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[2023] The Curse at Alton Manor

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I just thought. If what people are expecting that the new ride will have you follow Emily as she Tours you through house, wouldn't that go against John's Original intention of wanting the riders to be alone? I know Emily is a ghost and all, but wouldn't it go against that concept entirely? I definitely think she'll appear at least once when the ride reopens, but people thinking she'll be the new ghost host is kind of weird since John doesn't like the HM because of the lacking of being alone and isolated from many aspects, such as the ride system and how its executed? Guess we'll have to wait and see until the ride reopens.
That was just a random idea someone had rather than anything that is “expected” of the new ride
That was just a random idea someone had rather than anything that is “expected” of the new ride
I know, but most enthusiasts now are pretty much saying with a "Yes, this is totally gonna happen, it sounds so cool not to!" Mindset. There is a chance of it happening like any other option, but a lot of enthusiasts seem to reject that other options are just as possible for the Rides outcome as Emily and Snowy being the rides new mascot.
Enthusiasts across a lot of industries seem to be like this at the moment.

Oh I hope this film is doing THIS story from the source material.

Then they get angry when it isn't. Sometimes with some validity but more often than not just annoyed that THEIR idea wasn't used and they can't understand why.

People have just jumped on an idea for some reason.
I know, but most enthusiasts now are pretty much saying with a "Yes, this is totally gonna happen, it sounds so cool not to!" Mindset. There is a chance of it happening like any other option, but a lot of enthusiasts seem to reject that other options are just as possible for the Rides outcome as Emily and Snowy being the rides new mascot.

When you say "most enthusiasts" or "a lot of enthusiasts", are you referring to just a handful from a Discord server or a forum? I'd be keen to know what the general representative is for these numbers.
I know, but most enthusiasts now are pretty much saying with a "Yes, this is totally gonna happen, it sounds so cool not to!" Mindset. There is a chance of it happening like any other option, but a lot of enthusiasts seem to reject that other options are just as possible for the Rides outcome as Emily and Snowy being the rides new mascot.
I would say "most enthusiasts" are pretty much avoiding this topic because of random spouted ideas being regenerated as clear and obvious facts.
When you say "most enthusiasts" or "a lot of enthusiasts", are you referring to just a handful from a Discord server or a forum? I'd be keen to know what the general representative is for these numbers.
Nowhere specificly really, mostly everywhere online from my own personal experience.
Nowhere specificly really, mostly everywhere online from my own personal experience.

Where exactly.? Apart from one or two I do not see them saying it.

What I do see, time and time and time again, is random ideas being pushed as facts.
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(I should just have this to auto post every couple of hours at this point as I'm banging my head against a brick wall). But can we please remain on topic and ensure we're actually constructively posting.
  • If you're posting something as opinion, then it should be posted once and once only. It shouldn't be being passed off as fact, and it shouldn't be repeated again and again. This is a topic for speculating how the ride is likely to be, but also that speculation should at least be based on what we're seeing/hearing so far. It's not somewhere to pass off your dream storyline as something that everyone wants to see.
  • If you're posting information that's factual or rooted in heavy speculation then you should be quoting your sources. If you've seen something "everywhere online", you should at the very least be able to easily link people to at least 2 or 3 websites where that information has been heavily discussed.
Moving forward we'll simply delete posts which do not constructively add to this topic. At this point in the project with months until opening, people want to see genuine updates and information, not fan fiction repeated ad nauseam.
I just thought. If what people are expecting that the new ride will have you follow Emily as she Tours you through house, wouldn't that go against John's Original intention of wanting the riders to be alone? I know Emily is a ghost and all,
I think John was only referring to the ride system when he said that he wanted the riders to be alone.
I imagine we’ll get some kind of teasing or marketing soon for this, especially if it’s set to open in March. We usually get marketing for new rides in January, I’m sure the name was revealed for Wicker Man and also Sub Terra in January.
It seems that apart from Gardaland and Chessington (both Jumanji-related), that none of the Merlin attractions have announced their 2023 additions within all 3 divisions of the company. They've been announcing rides in late-December/early-January for at least 10 years, before social media became as dominant as it is now. Maybe with news cycle being so short in the social media age, that they've decided that they can get more attention and subsequent visitation closer to the run-up of a new attraction?

For example, cast your mind back 10 years and news announced 3-6 months would have still been considered relatively recent, yet now news that is a couple of weeks old is considered old news...
Maybe because of global problems with construction supplies they don't want to before they know for sure it'll make the opening. Based off Valhalla's delays last year

Last year? What about the year before that and then the year before that??

Considering all the new hardware which has opened in the UK in the time since 2021, I think global supply problems were not the main issue for delay with Valhalla, just they used that as an excuse. I think Merlin will be very aware of this, well I know they would be well aware of this, as they haven't had 2 year delays for hardware, like everywhere else in the world really.

There are delays yes, but not to the extent being made out by lady Mandy. Personally, if there is a delay to the new Haunted House, I cannot see it being a significant one.
Last year? What about the year before that and then the year before that??

Considering all the new hardware which has opened in the UK in the time since 2021, I think global supply problems were not the main issue for delay with Valhalla, just they used that as an excuse. I think Merlin will be very aware of this, well I know they would be well aware of this, as they haven't had 2 year delays for hardware, like everywhere else in the world really.

There are delays yes, but not to the extent being made out by lady Mandy. Personally, if there is a delay to the new Haunted House, I cannot see it being a significant one.
Depends how much work they're doing I suppose. It still doesn't look like they've binned the whole ride scenery. They really need this ride up and running for the new season. It's near forbidden valley and with no Nemesis they need it back.
I mean with the global supply chain issues you can’t be sure but the ride will have been closed for 7 months and a lot of theming will have been made off site, add to that the hardware is the same, the only real risk would be if they where upgrading the control system and something got delayed there.
Depends how much work they're doing I suppose. It still doesn't look like they've binned the whole ride scenery. They really need this ride up and running for the new season. It's near forbidden valley and with no Nemesis they need it back.
To be fair, the only scenes were aware of that are being altered physically or removed so far are the lab finale, the Sinister Garden, the Hall of Spiders, and the Trommel, supposedly outside of them, the remaining scenes could be getting major TLC for all we know and could be just as time consuming as ripping out older scenes and installing them. If they really were ripping out the whole thing, there would've been more evidence by now, surely? The back of the rides show building hasn't really changed for a while now in terms of new pieces of scenery spotted or old ones left outside, and they're not trying to hide it as a portion of the Trommels face is supposedly still laying on the ground for nearly a month now. But yeah, let's hope they manage to open this for the beginning of the season.
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We're not yet at the end of the month, so perhaps it's not time to start jumping to conclusions that Towers is having issues with getting Duel ready to reopen.

Social media won't be a factor that stops Towers from announcing new rides/attractions in December/January. It's a good time of the year to push bookings, and it's not as if Towers would release everything in detail either. The name of the new/old Duel and a logo with a hint of the theme/storyline would be fine for an announcement at this point. The finer details/adverts/marketing stunts can all come out from March onwards like Towers have done for many years with previous rides/attractions.
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