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[2024] Nemesis Reborn: Construction and Speculation

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People will still call it Nemesis. The majority of the general public will most likely still call it Nemesis. You could probably show a picture of it to a stranger in the street and they would know it's Nemesis. Just bring back the old logo (the better logo) or if that's too in the past then create a new one, stick a shipping container next to the ride exit and bring back the Nemesis shop. New Nemesis merchandise is never a bad thing.
Calling it now, they will rename it Nemesis: Reborn or something awful like that :oops:

Something like Nemesis Returns or Reborn,

Black or red track and a rename is giving me jason x VIBES! Haha


  • Jason-X-e1546272094237.jpg
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I'm going with a new name of NEME2IS.

The idea of new coloured trains is very interesting. Red trains flying around Nemesis layout could make it even better to look at.
Suppose it could be the closest we get to red water falls. I don't think it's an awful idea but I do kind of the like the sort of plain, bone like colour on the nemesis trains.
I've often daydreamed that in a shock twist they take out Galactica and add an LSM out of the final turn into a "revenge" section. To be fair though it would be the poor cousin of the first half and would hurt the coasters legacy.

The other thought experiment I had was "what if this opened as a brand new coaster next year" where would people rank it? It would lose the legacy factor but also the gain the new shiny factor. I often feel it's underappreciated because every man, woman and their dog has ridden it so much over the years.
It is going to be re-named Queen Nemsis.

In all seriousness, I cannot see a re-name on the cards. Why change or re-invent the name of the most iconic coaster in the country? Short and snappy coaster names are always the best, no need to add in extra words for no reason whatsoever.
Fixed it for you, Nemmy is a she. 😉
The Phanalax boss even referred to "her" in the announcement video.
I was referring to when Nemesis was crowned King of Coasters sometime in the 2010s, and they announced the Nemsis was the winner:

Male, female, whatever...it's current year and Nemesis will use any gender! :p
I personally love the idea of the nemesis eye scanning the queueline and blinking. That would be really creepy!
I have said the same before although maybe they can use a simply effect of having the trick of the moving eyes in the portrait in the original HH always looking at you if it is possible to do so. Would create an unnerving feeling that both in the queue and off ride that Nemesis is always watching you. That would be creepy too!
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