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[2026] CBeebies Land Junior Coaster

For all the criticism of the layout, parks do need tame coasters for very young kids, and this looks to fill that particular niche. Admittedly, Octonauts arguably filled it already, but that one does often get long queues, so I guess another tiny kiddie coaster is never a bad thing to absorb more capacity.

Speaking of capacity, could the sizeable "maintenance shed" potentially be for a sliding or turntable station type of thing to allow for the ride to operate two trains while having a multi-lap circuit, similarly to something like Pulsar, in order to increase throughput?
I hate to constantly bash Alton towers in recent years but they have knocked it out of the park with this one. This is the UK;s premier park and they produce this for their next kids coaster LOL!
Granted we donā€™t know all the details yet, but what does this offer that octonauts doesnā€™t?

What attraction fills the gap left by postman pat now?

Vintage cars back in talbot street and driving schools moved to CBeebiesā€¦as it should be.

And againā€¦there are arguably 10 other types of attraction this park needs more than thisā€¦

It just reeks of ā€œwe need somewhere to put thisā€, rather than long term planning.

Also considering theyā€™re willing to encroach onto the staff car park, why not stick it in the Santa grotto corner and, I donā€™t know, add some capacity?
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The plans don't give much away and it does look short.

That said, they could be making an attraction based around the theming rather than the ride hardware being the main draw. Kind of how Disney do their rides but on a much lesser scale.

This is Cbeebies land after all. That is the way I would expect them to do things.
My only thought is thereā€™s something special about the train itself which could warrant additional maintenance requirements.
SBF Visa Spinner.

It needs to have no minimum accompanied height restriction to be worthwhile. If it's 0.9m then it truly is pointless unless the trains do SOMETHING.

Looking at the "detailed" station plans there doesn't look to be much space to do any special trick track or whatever. It's essentially a baby Zierer Tivoli. Which would be fine if they didn't already have a a kid's coaster or were removing a fairly popular ride for it.

For all the criticism of the layout, parks do need tame coasters for very young kids, and this looks to fill that particular niche. Admittedly, Octonauts arguably filled it already, but that one does often get long queues, so I guess another tiny kiddie coaster is never a bad thing to absorb more capacity.

Efteling don't. Lowest coaster height restriction is 1m for the Mack Powereds. Instead there's pretty much everything else for kids under that height to go on. Which is usually better for the under 3s anyway.

It won't absorb any capacity because they're removing a ride for it.
Now we have the plans and they look rather disappointing i have been thinking. I know this might sound like a wild theory but surely there must be some long term thinking going on here.

What if this coaster has been designed long term to replace the octonaughts coaster and bring a coaster into the heart of cbeebies land. Octonaughts always has long queues and seems to struggle with the out of season demands meaning they close it as soon as christmas has arrived leaving the park with no coaster for twixmas. We know they are aiming for 365 day operation which will probably never happen but fixing their christmas and spring half term events would be a good start. Also if this coaster is short but with high capacity I think it will make a lot of parents and kids happy with a short queue (possibly why there is a big shed for an extra train or so they can maintain it over winter)

Now this is where my theory gets interesting. What if the plan is to replace octonaughts with some 1.2m flat rides creating what used to be something like adventure land with spinball whizzer (its just had a single rider queue added for some reason). If the tree top ride is going as well this could be them shrinking cbeebies land and creating an area for older kids for the winter and spring events. This gives them cbeebies for 2-6, mutiny bay for 5-9 and adventure land for 7-12 possibly. Maybe they could even use the conference venue for ice skating or something aimed at older children to tie into the area. This would also mean they don't need to grit huge parts of the park to open other areas that appeal to older kids reducing operating cost whilst allowing full families to visit.

My only other idea would be that they have an IP they are desperate to get in and it only works with a heavily themed coaster and octonaughts would not work.

To be really wild on the theory maybe octonaughts is going into the horizon building šŸ˜‚
My only thought is thereā€™s something special about the train itself which could warrant additional maintenance requirements.
Also could explain why if it were a standard train all the theming would only be visible to people sitting on the left seats.
It honestly wouldnā€™t surprise me if this was an ART family/kiddie coaster, as the oval shaped layout looks similar at a glance, just without the helix after the first turn, which could be due to space limitations with the pathway and Get Set Go. - https://artengineering.de/en/produkte/attraktionen/achterbahnen/family-coaster/


Some interesting points around 365 operations in this thread, as CBeebies Land is only closed between really closed between New Years and February Half Term. We saw Octonauts close early over the Christmas season due to off-season maintenance.

The maintenance shed could potentially hold a second train so downtime during the areaā€™s operational times is as minimal as possible. This would also enable reduce the acute pressures of the maintenance season over the main off-season as Non-Destructive Testing of the trains could be during the main season when that train would be off-circuit anyways.
It honestly wouldnā€™t surprise me if this was an ART family/kiddie coaster, as the oval shaped layout looks similar at a glance, just without the helix after the first turn, which could be due to space limitations with the pathway and Get Set Go. - https://artengineering.de/en/produkte/attraktionen/achterbahnen/family-coaster/

Good shout šŸ‘šŸ»

I think the layout lends itself closer to the Kiddie Coaster model from ART which is a Duplo Dino clone.

It could be that towers are a bit precautious about what they can build here, so are they going in intending to get planning for a smaller roller coaster, to which they could then put in a second application to update the layout to something bigger? - I know architects in the past which have gone about this way to smooth stuff over with the planners and make it a 'bit easier' in the planning process?

either that or we are just getting a little kiddo cred?
It could be that towers are a bit precautious about what they can build here, so are they going in intending to get planning for a smaller roller coaster, to which they could then put in a second application to update the layout to something bigger? - I know architects in the past which have gone about this way to smooth stuff over with the planners and make it a 'bit easier' in the planning process?

either that or we are just getting a little kiddo cred?
This is a kiddie coaster, you donā€™t expect them to be hiding anything up their sleeves because itā€™s not aimed toward us. Itā€™s just going to be what it looks to be, a solid kiddie coaster with emphasis on theming and reliability. This is consistent with the direction of the theme park recently, weā€™re not in gimmick-obsessed era Merlin anymore.
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Going off the plans, if itā€™s a good ride or not is going to depend pretty wholly on the IP and the theming. Itā€™s not going to offer any thrills (shock!) and doesnā€™t look like itā€™ll be a ā€˜stepping stoneā€™ ride but it could still be an excellent and popular ride with good throughput.

Itā€™s a bit of a surprise though that when we were discussing the rumour itā€™d be on Patā€™s site it was along the lines of itā€™s a decent sized plot of land and they could do a bit there, and then the plan shows the most basic of layouts.

How many adults will be making sure they get their last ride on Pat this year?!
This is a kiddie coaster, you donā€™t expect them to hiding anything up their sleeves because itā€™s not aimed toward us. Itā€™s just going to be what it looks to be, a solid kiddie coaster with emphasis on theming and reliability. This is consistent with the direction of the theme park recently, weā€™re not in gimmick-obsessed era Merlin anymore.
Of course it was going to be a kiddie coaster, this is Cebeebies Land after all. It looks tame even by kiddie coaster standards, but the most intriguing detail for me is the inclusion of a maintenance bay and (as a result) a track switch. I can't think of any similar kiddie coasters that have a mech bay.
The maintenance shed is confusing me as well. The only family or kiddie coasters I can think of with a maintenance shed are Flight of the Hippogriff at Islands of Adventure and Barnstormer at Magic Kingdom, both of which run 2 trains.

I canā€™t see that this has a long enough layout for it not to be multi-pass, so unless theyā€™re integrating a dual station or some convoluted DarKoaster-style switch track technology into it, I donā€™t see how it could run 2 trains. Given the scale of ride weā€™re looking at here, I honestly think both of those possibilities are pretty unlikely (dual station maybe less so than switch track), so Iā€™m pretty sure that this ride will likely run only 1 train. As such, Iā€™m baffled by this maintenance shed.

Then again, Mandrill Mayhem runs 1 train and has a maintenance shed for no apparent reason, so who knows?

On the note of the layout, the interesting thing to consider is that itā€™s actually quite a big oval compared to something like, say, Duplo Dino Coaster, which would imply a slightly bigger ride. I saw someone online deduce that the height could potentially be around 8m, which is a tad taller than Octonautsā€¦ so I think the suggestion from @Bert2theSpark about it being an ART family coaster sans helix could be a sound one. Merlin have worked with ART before in the Legoland parks, so it would make sense.

Although I think that would make the investment more baffling than if it were a smaller ride like Duploā€¦ if it were a smaller ride like Duplo, it would at least be a step down from Octonauts with the potential for no accompanied height restriction, whereas if the ride is 8m tall, it doesnā€™t really offer anything new that Octonauts doesnā€™t with an arguably duller layout.
According to the plans, it is just over 8.2m tall, which is around 3m below the height of Corner Coffee next door.

On the Maintenance Building, I suspect that the size might suggest that it is designed to be a maintenance building for the whole of CBeebies Land, rather than just the new coaster. It would make sense to increase maintenance capacity for the land. They'd obviously still need to use their larger facilities for big jobs, but a small-scale maintenance facility within CBeebies Land would surely make things more efficient on a day-to-day basis.
On the Maintenance Building, I suspect that the size might suggest that it is designed to be a maintenance building for the whole of CBeebies Land, rather than just the new coaster. It would make sense to increase maintenance capacity for the land. They'd obviously still need to use their larger facilities for big jobs, but a small-scale maintenance facility within CBeebies Land would surely make things more efficient on a day-to-day basis.

This is a good point. Workshop sited in the area makes total sense.