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[202X] Project Horizon (SW9?): Planning Approved

Because there is literally no other option, that's why.
Literally, there are other options for Hex, just close the thing, put something else in the place.
I would guess that Merlin would prefer to quietly bin the skyride, but they have to replace it with something under the equality laws for access.
Back on topic, there are a hundred reasons why this could have been delayed, but I bet poor attendance and income are the main ones.
Literally, there are other options for Hex, just close the thing, put something else in the place.
I would guess that Merlin would prefer to quietly bin the skyride, but they have to replace it with something under the equality laws for access.
Back on topic, there are a hundred reasons why this could have been delayed, but I bet poor attendance and income are the main ones.
Again, there's a planning condition that stipulates that if Hex was removed the building has to go. So no, nothing else would be able to go there. Look it up.
Not sure if the policy of seeing guest figures going down and thus cancelling investment will be a winner.

Bold Strategy Cotton GIF by MOODMAN
I’ve removed a large number of posts relating to Skyride’s maintenance/closure. As repeatedly requested, please keep Skyride discussion in the Skyride topic, as well as RAP/disabled access discussion in the relevant topics that we already have.

We have individual topics to allow people to read and participate in the discussion that they want, and avoid other subjects that they don’t. Please, show consideration for that when posting. It also prevents repeated discussion points being made across the forum, as has been the case here. Thanks.
Reading through the Full Permission for Development announcement, made on 22nd June 2023, concerning Project Horizon, there are a few interesting requirements that Alton Towers has to adhere to. Some of them must be completed before the attraction opens, some must be completed before (or during) construction. I'll reproduce some of the more interesting tidbits below, but it would explain why work appears slower on the surface than it may actually be.

Details and Samples of Building Materials need to be submitted and approved:
No above ground works(excluding demolition and site preparation) are to be carried out until full details and samples of all external materials and finishes and hard surfacing to be used in the construction of the development, including the attraction building, theming envelopes, entrance portal, fencing, acoustic screens, boardwalks and plaza surfacing have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall thereafter be carried out in accordance with the approved details.
Management Plan for the Orangery required:
Prior to first use of the attraction hereby permitted, a Management Plan for the Orangery(Quarry Greenhouse), located within the Alton Towers house garden, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The Management Plan shall include a description of plans for continued management, schedule of urgent works and initial phase of repair to the orangery (known as the First Phase works), proposals for the management of vegetation close to the structure, and a timetable for the implementation of the First Phase works. The First Phase works shall also include interpretation techniques to better reveal the significance of heritage assets including the conservation area, in line with paragraph 206 of the NPPF. The First Phase works and on-going management shall thereafter be implemented in accordance with the agreed Management Plan, details and timetable.
Employee Travel Plan updated and implemented:
No part of the development hereby approved shall be occupied or operational until the Alton Towers Employee Travel Plan has been extended and updated to include the development hereby approved and submitted to and approved in writing by the LocalPlanning Authority. The Travel Plan (or any subsequent replacement document) shall remain in force for the life of the development hereby approved.
Remediation Strategy to tackle potential contamination of the site:
The development hereby approved shall not commence (excepting works necessitated to comply with this condition) until a remediation strategy to deal with the risks associated with contamination of the site in respect of the development hereby permitted, has been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the local planning authority. This strategy will include the following components:

a) A site investigation scheme to provide information for a detailed assessment of therisk to all receptors that may be affected, including those off-site.
b) The results of the site investigation and the detailed risk assessment referred to in (a) and, based on these, an options appraisal and remediation strategy giving full details of the remediation measures required and how they are to be undertaken.
c) A verification plan providing details of the data that will be collected in order to demonstrate that the works set out in the remediation strategy in (b) are complete and identifying any requirements for longer-term monitoring of pollutant linkages, maintenance and arrangements for contingency action. Any changes to these components require the written consent of the local planning authority. The scheme shall be implemented as approved prior to the first operation of the attraction.
Soils Management Plan needs to be submitted and approved, before ground works:
Prior to any ground works or excavation associated with the development hereby approved, a Soils Management Plan shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the LPA that has due regard to stripping and reserving existing soils or other material from the existing areas prior to spreading at agreed locations on the wider resort. The submitted soils plan shall include information regarding the reservation and storage of the existing soils on the proposed spreading areas. Spreading areas will require their existing topsoil cover to be stripped, reserved, temporarily stored and re-laid in accordance with the DEFRA Construction Code of Practice for Sustainable Use of Soils on Construction Sites. Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved plan.
Disused Retail Unit to be moved before demolition / site clearance:
Prior to the commencement of development (including any demolition, site clearance, stripping or site establishment) the disused portable retail unit at TN3 is to be moved approximately 25m to the north west, outside of the proposed development area. This is to be undertaken in accordance with the recommendations set out within the Ecological Appraisal (September 2022) prepared by Baker Consultants and undertaken in winter 2022-2023. This is to be supervised by an experienced ecologist following inspection of the structure to ensure no bats are present.
I haven't listed all of the conditions for planning permission, but have cherry picked some of the more interesting ones which ought to highlight the seemingly slow progress Project Horizon is making.

The final condition I've listed, concerning the moving of the disused retail unit, I think will be a good indicator as to when construction is about to kick off in earnest.
Who knows if they're even going ahead with it anymore? They could have changed their minds or spent the money elsewhere. At least they've got the planning granted though for a period of time.
It did dawn on me the other day, according to their original construction schedule there is now technically not enough time for this to open in time for the start of the 2026 season.
So unless they’ve scheduled it for later opening in the season, is it possible that the planning permission will expire, and that if it’s not renewed then it might have been cancelled?
Does somewhat make sense to focus on the new flats and fixing the rest of the park in the short to medium term whilst diverting major investment to the South with Universal coming.
Given the recent announcement at Chessington, it certainly feels as though PH was a classic Merlin multi-buy or has been transferred altogether.

But I still can’t see Merlin letting a building so substantial just leave planning, considering they haven’t built a something so big since the Haunted House?

Certainly should be an interesting couple of years.
The permission expires in June 2026 (and they only have to begin work by then), so there is plenty of time for this project to still happen. They could push this opening as far back as 2029. They could even get the building up by then and put the ride in even later.

Given the difficulty of developing this part of the park, it would be surprising for it to be dropped. If it does get the axe, I think it's a shame. We know lots needs to be done around the park, but an indoor coaster would fill a void in the line-up. I would argue that Project Horizon, the redevelopment of Walliams World, and that entire side of the park are desperately needed.
Im working on the assumption its been put on the backburner or cancelled entirely, especially with Chessington suddenly getting what seems to be a coaster with similar features
You mean a shed? The coaster type, let alone features, weren't confirmed for Project Horizon.