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It's not about capitalism. It's the "hate the artist, not the art" argument.I agree with @rob666 and @venny here.
We live in an inherently capitalist world, so I think it’s difficult to be an ethical consumer at all times.
The reality is that most theme park owners, and by extension most owners of large corporations, are likely right wing, so if you let left wing political beliefs govern absolutely everything you do, there’s not an awful lot left for you to do. You certainly can’t fill up your car with petrol, order anything from Amazon, have a smartphone, use social media or drink soft drinks, to name just a few things. The truth of our society is that most large companies are out for their own interests and probably have a few skeletons in the closet (e.g. tax evasion, poor worker’s rights).
I appreciate that there are scales to these things, and I judge no one’s choices on this sort of matter, but I feel that being a truly ethical consumer and letting political beliefs and ideologies be the sole dictator of what you do is nigh on impossible in the world we live in. I’m not saying that’s right per se, but I think it’s just the way things are.
Michael Jackson created some of the best pop music of all time, but as an individual there are lingering questions over behaviour. I will still listen to his music.
JK Rowling has written perhaps the most adored book series of all time, but she is mired in her own controversy. I will still read her books.
The Times is considered to be the newspaper of record, it's held within high esteem worldwide for its news coverage. It is owned by Rupert Murdoch who frequently uses it, and his other papers, to push and spread an agenda that I don't agree with. I will not buy his newspapers.
You can hate the artist and love the art, but when the artist uses their art to push an agenda you fundamentally disagree with, that's where I personally draw the line.
I may disagree with Amanda Thompson politically, but Hot Ice isn't a pastiche of "Springtime for Hitler" (though it may make it more watchable), so I will occasionally visit her theme park.