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Adventure Island: General Discussion

Once in 8 years versus three times in 1 year, bad luck or something amiss?

We go on Rage all the time but a bit anxious about it now, i'm not sure how my son would be evacuated in that position.

Same way as everyone else I would imagine. It's evac tested for everyone to be certified.
Also worth a mention, the only uk park to get a gold accolade from Visit England.
Adventure Island is a great little park. It’s run exactly as a seaside amusement park should be, and doesn’t pretend to be a theme park. It‘s opens for long hours, regularly to 10pm, has a good selection of rides for all ages, especially strong on flat rides, and has probably the most enthusiastic staff out of any UK park
Had a good day, wasn't too busy considering the weather.

Found Rage can be almost pleasant in the back row not sitting on the outside. Not sure if the two trains differ in that sense.

Spooksville had the most comically bad ops i've ever witnessed. Wasn't the hosts fault as it needs 2 people to operate so they were doing the batching, then starting the ride and watching it on the CCTV till it got back to the station... at which point they sent the completely redundant empty second train into the station! Presumably they can't take a train off. Was extra silly as various rides needlessly had two hosts (though perhaps they were training).

In terms of news, SkyDrop was closed and had a big crane next to it so not sure if it's being repaired or removed.

Also the Time Machine ride that seemingly has been opening soon forever had moved again, this time all the seats were laid out in the park next to it which was quite interesting to see. Didn't have time to get photos of either i'm afraid.