But instead it says:POINT OF NO RETURN
This made me spit out my drink. Laughed way more than it deserved. Easy though as it was probably translated wrong.I’ve got another one; I know this isn’t Alton Towers, but apparently there’s a big sign on Oblivion: The Black Hole at Gardaland that is supposed to say:
But instead it says:
I guess the u kind of looks like an o from a certain perspective, in fairness…
Maybe it would help Merlin if they hired proof-readers, or at least a second set of eyes to check things before they go public?In all seriousness, it's cringeworthy and embarrassing to see such widespread grammar, spelling and/or syntax issues across the group.
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I would presume some are done quickly and need to be. Something a lot of people overlook is just how big a company Merlin is. There are so many things that go public everyday all of it cannot possibly be monitored without significant expense. The odd spelling mistake is going to happen but maybe they should be a little more careful when producing such things.Maybe it would help Merlin if they hired proof-readers, or at least a second set of eyes to check things before they go public?
But each park has quite a lot of autonomy. In 95% of these examples Merlin won’t be involved it’s just the park. Each small team doing these just need to get their manager or another colleague to proofread before sending to print.I would presume some are done quickly and need to be. Something a lot of people overlook is just how big a company Merlin is. There are so many things that go public everyday all of it cannot possibly be monitored without significant expense.
Why would they hire someone to do that when the person making the signage has a mobile phone in their pocket with a spell checker and a Google search bar? Hell they could even press the microphone button, speak their desired notice text out and it will come up on the screen within seconds. The computer they're making the signage on probably has a spell and grammar checker throwing red and green lines all over the screen as they're typing the text into it.Maybe it would help Merlin if they hired proof-readers, or at least a second set of eyes to check things before they go public?
Why would they hire someone to do that when the person making the signage has a mobile phone in their pocket with a spell checker and a Google search bar? Hell they could even press the microphone button, speak their desired notice text out and it will come up on the screen within seconds. The computer they're making the signage on probably has a spell and grammar checker throwing red and green lines all over the screen as they're typing the text into it.
Was it Bob from maintenance on a ladder with can of Halfords own brand white spray paint whacking a quick crest over the top of the U by any chance?There fixed the graffiti wall today, as it’s been spray painted and corrected
There fixed the graffiti wall today, as it’s been spray painted and corrected
There fixed the graffiti wall today, as it’s been spray painted and corrected
Part of the application process maybe? If you don't spot it you don't get the job?Towers are currently advertising for a social media Marketing Exec, part of which entails some copywriting. It would help if they could actually spell the word correctly, however.
Part of the application process maybe? If you don't spot it you don't get the job?