I'll wager a stein that they won't sell steins.
This is brilliant news, a new event is exactly what is needed and Oktoberfest is perfect. I initially thought that a new event would have been better in the summer period and wasn't keen on the idea of all of the events at Alton Towers being stacked up at the end of the season. However the summer is already busy at Towers, so an event in late September/early October helps to bring in more guests at a time when the park might be a little quieter.
Really hoping that they do go all out with this and get in some good German beer and food.
I love the Oktoberfest logo as well!
Who knows, if this is a success, we could be looking at new events for Easter, an expanded Christmas event, etc.
Autumn brings a brand new event Oktoberfest at Alton Towers Resort, offering families and thrill-seekers themed entertainment, delicious refreshments and selected late-night rides on selected weekends in September and October.
That link isn't working?A press release from today has this to say about Oktoberfest:
Late night rides
That's probably true but don't forget at Scarefest, it is selected rides too - Rapids & most (all?) CBeebies rides closed after dark. Fingers crossed they are just referring to rides that can open after dark.Late night rides sounds good, though wary of them being "selected". Suspect it'll be the very front of the park: Wicker Man, Mutiny Bay, Spinball
Maybe it'll be in theFountain Square and Hex will be in German for the event!I don't mind if only some of the park is open in the evening for evening rides. The primary focus of the event will hopefully be the Oktoberfest food, drink and entertainment. Rides such as Wicker Man in the evening to supplement this would be great, but there's probably not much point having Forbidden Valley or Dark Forest open as they will be away from the event zone.