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Anything Radioactive Topic

He he. An entertaining look at a terrifying threat.

From: https://youtu.be/Zrn3ebGb-48

Just discovering this thread.

If you are concerned about this threat, I really wouldn't be, I can't recall where I saw it but from what I recall it isn't possible, even if it was the shockwave they generated would just end up flooding Russia as well.

The claims are from russia, the country that constantly repaints the kursnetov to try and show they have a functional aircraft carrier, the country that says they have a "stealth" fighter aircraft but it has the same radar cross as the F18 (about 1m^2 radar cross section, vs the F35 which apparently has arround 0.0001m^2 (about the size of a bumble bee))
Second day in a row with strange green clouds around sunset.
Took a Geiger reading. Fractionally above background average, but well within "normal" (6CPM peak).
I wouldn't be concerned about green clouds and nuclear (I maybe concerned about toxic chemicals) as the green glow people think nuclear has is just cherenkov radiation (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cherenkov_radiation), and is blue, something which only happens in certain media (such as water) from the wikipedia it is similar to a sonic boom but when energy particles go faster than light in that media (not impossible, as light goes slower than c in certain media such as water it is about 0.75 c)

edit: makes nuclear more scary that there is just a block of material giving off enough radiation you could die in minuets of coming near it, with no visible light coming from it, no warning.
Oh, you don't have to tell me mate. My only gripe with the Back to the Future musical is that they made the Plutonium glow green instead of blue. 🤣
Looks like the Northwood nuclear bunker is getting a large expansion. Naturally, the plans are classified.
Certainly nothing to be concerned about. Move along.

Are they preparing from Putin.

Or, as we have to start thinking, is it for when Trump gets to excited that Britain have put some tax on American imports.
The strategic geniuses at the Kremlin have allegedly flown an explosive drone into the Chernobyl sarcophagus:
You beat me to it.
Russia's attitude to radiation seem to have always been,
"Da, is good. Radiation make men strong with superpower. Better for serving glorious Soviet revolution. Capitalist pigs are week, to be dying with such small cancer."
Looking at the photos, it seems to be mostly cosmetic damage. Probably more of a stunt to cause alarm rather than a genuine attempt to destroy it, but still pretty stupid.
Looking at the photos, it seems to be mostly cosmetic damage. Probably more of a stunt to cause alarm rather than a genuine attempt to destroy it, but still pretty stupid.
No, it isn't cosmetic, that will have to be repaired there is a hole in the outside chamber (the new one) so now radioactive particles will be released into the surrounding area.

You beat me to it.
Russia's attitude to radiation seem to have always been,
"Da, is good. Radiation make men strong with superpower. Better for serving glorious Soviet revolution. Capitalist pigs are week, to be dying with such small cancer."
From what I have heard (I may be wrong) but a lot of Russians don't know about chernobyl

But they definatly have a dissregard for it, at the start of the war they invaded the area and dug trenches, thus contaminating themselves and releasing a ton of radioactive particles.

Could be worse the could be storing ammunition inside a nuclear reactor... wait never mind they are.
No increase in radiation in the surrounding area. I would hope that a small impact can't fatally weaken such a structure.
No, it isn't cosmetic, that will have to be repaired there is a hole in the outside chamber (the new one) so now radioactive particles will be released into the surrounding area.
There has been zero increase in local radiation, the core containing vessel has not been compromised, and the outside chamber is, pretty much, cosmetic.
I worked with a polish lad. About my age, we talked about Chernobyl when the drama was on the Tele. Would tell me about being given cod liver tablets at school to combat the radiation. Some teachers would discuss why and others wouldn't.

My boss was Latvian. Slightly older, wouldn't even engage in the with the subject of it. Not would he talk to us about the soviet era or Russia as a whole. When the invasion of Ukraine happened he didn't seem that concerned about the impact it could have on that area. Think he hated the Russians but had a fear of them.

Me and the polish lad had it down to a fear of KGB from childhood.
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There has been zero increase in local radiation, the core containing vessel has not been compromised, and the outside chamber is, pretty much, cosmetic.
I wouldn't really expect there to be due to how the Chernobyl system is done it isn't cosmetic.

as you called it the core containing vessel (known as the sarcophagus) was built basically immediately after the accident to contain it, as quick as they could. but after decades it started to wear down and crack, as it was only really temporary.

thus the inernational organisations decided a new safe containment building needed to be built and then slid around it to prevent a radiation leak when the sarcophagus fails, if I recall correctly the new safe containment building has many features like a remotely operated crane, and many containment systems for stuff like radioactive dust, is used to monitor Chernobyl it also protects the sarcophagus from weather.

it will almost defiantly need to be patched as systems which aid in containing the radioactive dust will be much less effective.
Massive hyperbole right there ;)
not really, I wasn't able to find the specific systems to keep dust in the new safe containment structure but typically it is done by making the building negative pressure relative to atmospheric pressure, not drastically much just a small amount, which for small holes in the structure it will suck air into the building rather than could allow air cross over and thus dust may be able to escape (we are talking about pm10, pm2.5 and smaller) the fans doing the sucking will have special filters to remove any contaminates.

for some strange reason I would imagine a 5m X 5m hole in the side of the building would not help keep the negative pressure and would mean that if the sarcophagus were to collapse a lot of the dust would be able to escape via this hole which given it may have been hit by a drone and is not a new building.

the new safe confinement building is mainly there to stop the dust, as the dust is very dangerous as due to its small size it can get into peoples bodies and cause cancer and the wind can carry the dust very far (I recall the sheep were effected in the UK when it happened).
An interesting/terrifyingly weird one. Kyle Hill uploaded a video documenting a case of a guy who allegedly bought a cylinder of what was believed to be Caesium-137 from a guy in a flea market car park; before posting videos of them interacting with it on Tumblr. Although the whole thing turned out to be fake.

Going to as much effort as he went to though. Mad.