Not just you. There's a bit of a running joke around these parts that I hate kids (not completely a joke, mind you

), but I too have very little idea on how to interact with them. I was at a wedding in August and was sat next to 2 perfectly well-behaved 18-month-old twins, and really didn't know what to do, other than talk over them. More recently I've spent Christmas back home with family and I have a nearly 2-year-old nephew who I just feel a bit awkward around. I want to make more of an effort but don't really know how without embarrassing myself, even if how I would end up interacting isn't socially considered "embarrassing" at all, and just "how you interact with young kids".
Now you've got me chatting, seems like a reasonable time to say that I'm pretty certain I sit on the autism spectrum myself. This is something I've only come to terms with in the last 6-9 months but the more I think about it and talk to other autistic friends, the more it makes sense. There are things I've been doing for years which are quite evidently "stims".
I suffer quite often with social anxiety, more often than I'd like to the point where I have to just remove myself from a situation, even if that means standing outside while everyone else has a good time. I struggle to cope with situations where I don't know exactly what's going to be happening even when it makes no odds to what
I'll be doing - for example "who's coming round on Christmas Day? When are they coming? When are they leaving? Why haven't they decided whether they're coming or not yet?!" I typically hate loud bars/clubs/places where I can't hear the person next to me, unless I've had enough to drink that I just don't care (looking at you EP NYE party!). I feel I often overshare information - nothing personal or inappropriate but I find if I find a certain situation or topic interesting, I'll just info dump on someone.
Additionally, I've taken quite a few of the online autism self-diagnosis tests, and all of the results have pointed to being at least somewhat autistic. I don't feel the need to get officially diagnosed as I'm aware of how long the waiting lists are and even if I got an official diagnosis, it'd be more of an "oh ok, that explains a lot, cheers bye" rather than needing it for help. Someone who suffers far more than I would need that official diagnosis more!
So there we are, hello Autism thread, I guess!