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Best Wooden Coaster in Europe?


TS Member
As a child the only wooden coasters i can remember were at Blackpool and they weren't much fun, more of an ordeal.

But a few years ago i rode Wickerman at AT and it changed my opinion, it's brilliant.

Now last weekend i rode Heidi at Plopsaland which was also brilliant. I think i prefer the layout of Wickerman but Heidi was a bit more intense, especially later in the day and back row.

We're going to Efteling at the end of the month so i'm looking forward to seeing how Joris and The Dragon compares to those two.

What are your favourites though and where are they?
Roller Coaster at Great Yarmouth. Partly because it’s the last woody I did, partly because it was my 100th cred, but mostly because of the way it interacts with 2 other rides, has a lot of history and has a brake man which I found fascinating.
For me, it has to be Wodan Timbur Coaster at Europa Park! It's just sublime; it's ridiculously fast, it's got loads of fun little pops of airtime, the big, tall first drop is great, it's smooth, comfortable and rerideable, and overall, I just loved it! Some of those darting sequences of airtime hills are absolutely amazing fun, and I've never ridden a woodie with quite such demented fast pacing!

If you've never ridden it, basically imagine Wicker Man, but twice the size and on steroids! It's absolutely phenomenal, and although it wasn't quite my favourite coaster at Europa (Silver Star narrowly pipped it to the post for me!), it still sits in my overall top 5 out of 113 coasters ridden! You're in for a ridiculously fast, rerideable, airtime-filled treat on Wodan in my view, particularly when it's warmed up!
My favourites...

Rutschebanen (Tivoli Gardens)

Joris is loads of fun as well, especially with the dueling element and the fanfare for the winners.
If you like Heidi The Ride I'd also recommend Wood Express at Parc Saint Paul a junior Gravity Group packed with air time.

Still need to get to Wildfire at Kolmarden and Colossus at Heide Park.
Read the title as "best operating wooden coaster in Europe" 😜
Says who exactly?
Was the best woodie in the world according to quite a few back in the day...
Only coaster where you got complete strangers thrown into your lap, repeatedly.
Then a long slow cool ride in the dark at the end...that very few know about, and among those that do... admit to remembering absolutely nothing.
Think tagada wild mouse tunnel of love mix.
What not to love.
I still weep.
Definitely Wodan. It's not particularly long, but everything from the top of the lift hill to the brake run is absolutely wild. It's shockingly fast in places, and has tremendous airtime. EP also seem to be looking after it very well, so it always rides superbly.

Troy would be second, based on my experience so far. It's longer than Wodan and at times it reaches a similar level of thrill, but there are other parts where the pace just comes off the boil in a way that Wodan's never does.
I'm not qualified to answer as somebody who has not yet ridden Wodan, but of all the European woodies I've ridden, it's Troy for me. Re-rode Balder last week, too many boring corners for my liking.
I've not ridden Wodan yet either (or any non-UK woodie for that matter), but will hopefully put that right next year. 😍
Most likely ticking Wodan off in October. Another contender would be Thunder Coaster at TusenFryd despite the horrific Timberliner trains. The obscene ejector hill to the gods just makes that ride.
I have done Thundercoaster, but can't remember a thing about it strangely.

Speaking of Timberliners, Twister at Grona Lund deserves an honourable mention. It's a great little ride for its size. That's definitely despite the trains though!

I was hoping Cu Chulainn might be worthy of high praise after riding it this week, but sadly it falls into that 'is it intense or just downright rough?' category. Sure, there's airtime to be had, but you come off with a mild headache feeling like you might after an encounter with an actual angry mythological warrior, and I imagine the Timberliners play a big part in the discomfort.
I have done Thundercoaster, but can't remember a thing about it strangely.

Speaking of Timberliners, Twister at Grona Lund deserves an honourable mention. It's a great little ride for its size. That's definitely despite the trains though!

I was hoping Cu Chulainn might be worthy of high praise after riding it this week, but sadly it falls into that 'is it intense or just downright rough?' category. Sure, there's airtime to be had, but you come off with a mild headache feeling like you might after an encounter with an actual angry mythological warrior, and I imagine the Timberliners play a big part in the discomfort.
I rode Cu Chulain a few months back, it's a fantastic coaster, but the roughness from the Timberliners really did the ride a disservice. I'd rate any of the three Gravity Group coasters I've ridden an awful lot higher if it weren't for how badly the Timberliners ride. :/