TS Member
I’m sure that Valhalla sign was up 2 weekends ago. Don’t think it was revealed today
I honestly don't think these fire effects will be too far from the truth!I watched that yesterday and shes the type of person you wouldn’t want to mess with so can understand she’s got yes personal working for her now.
Valhalla worked when it was ticket per ride system as the amount of guests who would have gone on it would easily have paid for its yearly running costs.
With the cost Electric and Gas going up again next year I wouldn’t be surprised that she replaces the fire effects with theses.
Amanda doesn't really need to know about every piece of minutiae that goes in there.
Or she does and she's telling us a pack of lies.....
So, apparently, they’re demolishing Grand National. Again.
The parks haven’t even been closed for a full day…
Or an application.It’s listed right? So it can go SBNO, but can’t be knocked down on the dead of night Wild Mouse style?
Not without a prosecution anyway.
Come on Rick, this is the Beach, they do everything odd.They have already started maintenance on two of the trains, which would be odd.