So I spent a nice few hours hunting down "The Towers Thoosies" on the Beach this evening.
No buying strangers beer, or giving away dead rodent wheels.
Lovely visit though...short queues apart from Icon.
Nice beers with gorgeous staff, lots of drunken punter entertainment, one charming young lady cleared the whole of the bar in Crevettes.
Short queues for hot junk food, eye candy aplenty, no drifting on the dodgems, but a few good head ons.
I left, thoroughly replete, after half a dozen rides...though saddened that the Towers Thoosie Corporation spent the whole evening hiding behind my back, laughing at me quietly from a distance.
Didn't wait for the fireworks, too old and tired, so hobbled off with the sad old wanky ankle.
Couple of staff I know said it has been very quiet all season, even through sunny June.
No buying strangers beer, or giving away dead rodent wheels.
Lovely visit though...short queues apart from Icon.
Nice beers with gorgeous staff, lots of drunken punter entertainment, one charming young lady cleared the whole of the bar in Crevettes.
Short queues for hot junk food, eye candy aplenty, no drifting on the dodgems, but a few good head ons.
I left, thoroughly replete, after half a dozen rides...though saddened that the Towers Thoosie Corporation spent the whole evening hiding behind my back, laughing at me quietly from a distance.
Didn't wait for the fireworks, too old and tired, so hobbled off with the sad old wanky ankle.
Couple of staff I know said it has been very quiet all season, even through sunny June.