What cinema are you going to that costs £20-30 a person Matt?
Vue is £5 a film all day every day. Snacks are secondary spend (much like a meal is a separate expense on a theme park trip). The price charged has dropped dramatically in recent years.
Which brings me to my point. Leisure activities are worth whatever people are willing to pay for them. I think it's clear that people don't value a day at Pleasure Beach at £44. With current standards of customer service, random ride closures on off peak days and silly rules like not being able to bring a packed lunch, I don't blame them.
If people aren't willing to pay £44 it is in the park's interest to lower to price. Perhaps if they offered a quality day out for £30 then people would be eager to return at a higher price in the future.
OK; I apologise, as I digress that that included snacks and was based off of a very poor estimate from the last time I went to the cinema, which was a good couple of years before COVID.
Looking at the Cineworld website now, though (I’ll use Cineworld, as it’s the last cinema I remember going to); the new Minions film, as an example, is
88 minutes in length, so around 1.5 hours long. This new film costs £10 per ticket to watch. As such, if you scaled the amount of entertainment up to the minimum 6 hours that BPB would offer on a £44 ticket… that would cost around
£40, so like-for-like, it’s broadly similar in value.
I did actually look up the prices of other examples I cited, though; Go Ape was an actual price I found on their website for a Treetop Adventure, costing
£25 per person for a 2 hour expedition. On an equivalent number of “entertainment hours”; Go Ape would cost
£75, so worse value than BPB.
And from having looked up Hamilton (I know next to nothing about West End musicals, but this one seems to be all the rage at the moment), the lowest priced ticket I could find was
£75, even on days where seat availability was high, which is even more expensive than I’d expected… for reference, Hamilton is
2h 40m long according to a quick Google, so on an equivalent number of “entertainment hours”, that comes out at
£168.75; significantly worse value than BPB.
I appreciate that some people may simply be daunted by something costing £44 regardless of the number of entertainment hours on offer, however, and I guess it is arguable that not all 6 hours in a theme park will technically be “entertainment hours”.