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Blackpool Pleasure Beach: 2024 Discussion

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Stopping up the road is complicated, but it’s not beyond the whit. I’ll have to remind myself of the exact details, but before the overpass there were discussions around stopping up, due to safety concerns. The overpass was the alternative solution to the Council being otherwise disagreeable to stopping up.

Replacing the thing is going to be hideously expensive, I expect the budget of a large ride. Nowadays the Council are a little more joined up with the park so that might mean the stopping up becomes an option again, if the park otherwise need to spend millions to address whatever issue there may be. If there is an issue I suspect it’s most likely chloride inclusions which will corrode the steel reinforcement. You can adopt a series of remedial works for that including coating the concrete and anodic protection. That would still be expensive but almost certainly cheaper than a full replacement. It may well depend on the condition of the rebar though.
1950s/60 concrete is not know for is quality or longevity. If the do make remedial works it's just kicking the can down the road for another day.
Isn't another problem that some of the back of house stuff happen under the bridge thing as well adjasent to the road
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Yes, like the monorail track, water and electricity supplies are held under the overpass, as well as pipes being adjacent to the road.
The concrete has been in place for sixty years, with major patch repairs in the closed season every decade or so, the "can" has been kicked down the road, well and truly, for decades.
Another decade or two of repairs are the most likely.
I noticed on a friend’s Instagram page, that the park are selling small sections of mounted Big One parts.

One thing that really caught my attention though are the facts on the mount, stating the Big One has an hourly capacity of 845 people. This seems really low, even with just two trains running. Even if we add a theoretical third train, that still only gives a capacity of 1,281. Surely it’s capable of more than that? Even since the days of two train operation, that queue has always felt like it moves pretty quickly and a throughput of 1,281 can’t have been sufficient in the pay per ride days surely?
Perhaps Blackpool is being honest
There is a first time for everything...

...their web page for The Big One still lists the top speed as 85 mph though, so I don't think today is the day.

Incidentally Blackpool only claim 1,650 per hour.
I noticed on a friend’s Instagram page, that the park are selling small sections of mounted Big One parts.

One thing that really caught my attention though are the facts on the mount, stating the Big One has an hourly capacity of 845 people. This seems really low, even with just two trains running. Even if we add a theoretical third train, that still only gives a capacity of 1,281. Surely it’s capable of more than that? Even since the days of two train operation, that queue has always felt like it moves pretty quickly and a throughput of 1,281 can’t have been sufficient in the pay per ride days surely?
These days dispatches are much slower on 2 trains than in the past, it stacks more often than not. Pretty sure the ride is capable of 1000-ish an hour on 2 trains, but current PB management are not :laughing:
Tricky one...but I have a legal obligation with the card, for another year, so I will go with that.

No suggestion of the skyride returning for the start of next season, so my purchase decision was made easier.
Freebies with Merlin again next season, and...
Go Mandy!
The only reason Blackpool queues feel like they move fast is that most of them are only about 18" wide, forcing everyone in to single file (and sometimes squeezing sideways if you are on the larger side). This is, of course, a good thing, and were it up to me all queues would be like this. For all BPB's faults, I've never seen any queuejumping there!
Big One Brian used to kick his way through the line if he saw me at the gate alone.
After booking my pass today, I realised...(your piratical amusement with old records)...fifty years doing the Beach on my own...I deserved this year off.
Bit of a different question but has anyone seen the Christmas Hollywood Party Nights show and if so would you recommend it? I see that Pleasure Beach are offering tickets for it at £10 each instead of £25, I’ll be Blackpool this weekend with my wife so just wondering if this might be worth a punt if it’s any good?

Bit of a different question but has anyone seen the Christmas Hollywood Party Nights show and if so would you recommend it? I see that Pleasure Beach are offering tickets for it at £10 each instead of £25, I’ll be Blackpool this weekend with my wife so just wondering if this might be worth a punt if it’s any good?

It’s a fab evening out - very much recommend!
It seems like there's some confirmation on the Ice Blast/PlayStation/Launch Pad situation.

It's in the Visit Blackpool Tourism guide and has been picked up by Lift Hills and Thrills.

It confirms that Ice Blast will be reopening as Launch Pad for 2025 with a space theme and the tower painted blue.
Those illuminations cast off spacemen get around.

Forgot to mention, new "locals" season pass, (not so local to target me 25 miles away), all days except Saturdays, eighty five quid.
Email terms say fy postcodes only apparently.
Might have been tempted, but some mates and old gits seem to want to go on Saturdays, and I do like the fireworks.
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