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Blackpool Pleasure Beach: 2024 Discussion

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The Coney Island Cyclone is fantastic! Had a great evening riding it over and over again in the darkness.

It's definitely better than how Nashy is currently riding. Or it was when I rode it which was quite a while ago now in fairness.

Not sure I'd go as far as fantastic but I'd definitely ride it again. I won't be riding Nashy ever again I don't think. Not unless it gets some serious money spending on it which I can't see happening sadly. :(
Ok, don't want to keep going round in circles with this as I am sure the gatekeeper elves who patrol this forum will be slapping our wrists again.
Consider said wrist to be slapped (all of you!). Frankly the Nash is an abomination but please could we not argue back and forth on the topic - the points raised have been repeatedly mentioned so there isn't really much to be gained from perpetuating the discussion. Thanks!
Consider said wrist to be slapped (all of you!). Frankly the Nash is an abomination but please could we not argue back and forth on the topic - the points raised have been repeatedly mentioned so there isn't really much to be gained from perpetuating the discussion. Thanks!
Oh Alastair , you can't just wield your magic axe of the forum elders while also having a dig at the Nash. Please consider rephrasing your criticism of the Nash to include the words "in my opinion".

Some people love it, however odd that seems. But then again some people like The Smiler, and that really is an abomination (in my opinion)

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This continues to go around in circles. I have demonstrated time and time again this isn't my mentality at all.
People who don't have an emotional attachment to the park think it's awful by and large. Just go watch the videos and reviews available.

Don't confuse me being highly sceptical of people's true opinions with me thinking my opinion is always right. I don't see how anyone can come off that ride with how brutally rough it is and honestly say it's a great coaster. Sentiment carries a lot of weight in this hobby of ours. Just look at Disney and whenever they update a classic attraction. There's always uproar.

If you rode Nashy tomorrow at a random American park you'd never visited before let's say......would you think it was as great? I'm not so sure personally. There's no emotional attachment there. This is the point I'm making.

When I lived in NYC I had a similar experience with the Coney Island Cyclone. It wasn't as rough as Nashy now is but it wasn't that spectacular either yet the locals treasure it as it's got so much history.

I really don't know how else I can make this clearer anymore.
I absolutely loved the Coney Island Cyclone when I rode it in 2019, one of the best coasters I've ever ridden.

Grand National is sentimental for me, but I can also separate sentiment with quality, and whilst I agree the ride isn't as good as it used to be, I still thoroughly enjoy it.

It's more about different tastes in rides I think, rather than sentiment clouding my vision - it isn't.


It seems that Impossible the ride, or as you all call it, the walkthrough, will re-open on Friday along with the Thompson Carousel, Alpine Rallye and Dora.

River Caves, sadly, looks to be having an extended closure.

Oh Alastair , you can't just wield your magic axe of the forum elders while also having a dig at the Nash. Please consider rephrasing your criticism of the Nash to include the words "in my opinion".

Some people love it, however odd that seems. But then again some people like The Smiler, and that really is an abomination (in my opinion)

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Oh I agree with you on the latter point also - but yes, IN MY OPINION (perhaps we should force append this to all posts going forwards) ;)
It's definitely better than how Nashy is currently riding. Or it was when I rode it which was quite a while ago now in fairness.

Not sure I'd go as far as fantastic but I'd definitely ride it again. I won't be riding Nashy ever again I don't think. Not unless it gets some serious money spending on it which I can't see happening sadly. :(
It won't get any money spent on it mostly thanks to numerous park fans and PB enthuasists all coming out with pitchforks and torches if the park so much as lays a finger on it lol. That and I think Grand National is listed. Which shouldn't mean anything after what happened with Wild Mouse
Impossible reopening as a walkthrough after "Planned Maintenance" when was the last time the Haunted Swing operated? Another ride axed?

It won't get any money spent on it mostly thanks to numerous park fans and PB enthuasists all coming out with pitchforks and torches if the park so much as lays a finger on it lol. That and I think Grand National is listed. Which shouldn't mean anything after what happened with Wild Mouse
Wild Mouse wasn't listed unfortunately, hence what was able to happen to it. If it was listed the park effectively would have been forced to spent the money on it to keep it operating (whatever the insurance company required) otherwise it would have been the next Noahs Ark (SBNO) but at least that provides a nice entrance piece.
It won't get any money spent on it mostly thanks to numerous park fans and PB enthuasists all coming out with pitchforks and torches if the park so much as lays a finger on it lol. That and I think Grand National is listed. Which shouldn't mean anything after what happened with Wild Mouse

Wild Mouse was not listed, although people were trying to get it listed. That's probably one of the reasons Amanda flattened it while she still could !!

As has been said before , being listed does not mean it can never be altered or even demolished, it just means the park would have to apply for any such work and have a good reason for doing so. For example, if the ride got to a point that it could no longer run safely in it's current form , the park would have a good case to claim that it was a financial burden and apply to make extensive changes (RMC it) , or remove it.

EDIT: @pjanvil beat me to it
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As has been said before , being listed does not mean it can never be altered or even demolished, it just means the park would have to apply for any such work and have a good reason for doing so. For example, if the ride got to a point that it could no longer run safely in it's current form , I would guess they would have a good case to claim that it was a financial burden on the park and either needed extensive changes or a removing.
I presume without looking, there examples of where this has happened before? Not necessarily coaster related? Theatres, old Cinemas, Pubs ect.
I presume without looking, there examples of where this has happened before? Not necessarily coaster related? Theatres, old Cinemas, Pubs ect.
Lots. The problem with Historic England is they list anything with a tenuous link to something. I suppose we are 'lucky' to have too much history in this country.

Scenic Railway in DreamLand is a good example of work being carried out on a listed structure during it's restoration. It had almost every part of it's structure replaced... so certainly isn't the same thing. I believe that it was a hairs-width away from being demolished a number of times - with little 'fight' from Historic England.

If PB wanted to substantially alter Nash - I am sure they would be permitted to. Dipper is also listed, I think they would have a harder job altering that because of it's location and it is [arguably] better known.
The dead rodent failed listing because it was relatively new, and had been altered by addition of the first drop since being built.
The Dipper had also been altered, but sufficiently long ago for it not to matter.
And stop going on about the National, you lot are like me going round on the skyride.
The problem is a listed building can be used for plenty of things compared to whatever it was initially built for.

Wheras a listed roller coaster is just a roller coaster. There's nothing else it can be used for, except maybe firewood or melted down for scrap.

At the end of the day at some point all roller coasters will reach the end of their service life or become too unsafe or too expensive to operate. Parks need the option to be able to remove rides and refresh the line ups as required.
If anyone doesn't mind a change of subject, I wanted to ask; If the park were to be sold, who would you want it sold to? I.e Merlin, Six Flags / Cedar Point, a private investment company etc.

I'm curious what people think could happen should the Thompsons ever sell the park. Thanks!
If anyone doesn't mind a change of subject, I wanted to ask; If the park were to be sold, who would you want it sold to? I.e Merlin, Six Flags / Cedar Point, a private investment company etc.

I'm curious what people think could happen should the Thompsons ever sell the park. Thanks!
Merlin wouldn't touch it with a barge pole. It doesn't fit Thier brand, comes with a large maintenance bill and little to no room to expand. The only UK park I think Merlin would want would be Poultons but hopefully it's will stay with the current owners.

I'm sure there would be interested parties at the right price bit they would need deep pockets and clear vision of what they want the park to be. Can't see it being sold unless things get catastrophicly bad.
If anyone doesn't mind a change of subject, I wanted to ask; If the park were to be sold, who would you want it sold to? I.e Merlin, Six Flags / Cedar Point, a private investment company etc.

I'm curious what people think could happen should the Thompsons ever sell the park. Thanks!
Not Merlin they've got quite the monopoly on Blackpool already. Plus I don't want the park's food to be severely downgraded either. What about the owners of Europa Park?
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