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Blackpool Pleasure Beach: 2024 Discussion

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A Gryo swing is exactly what the park needs, its flat ride offering is really poor right now. If it gets this and iceblast reopens with spinning seats they will have a great season next year
Getting the River caves open should be a priority. The Gyro swing will be great but it won't be a good look to open it opposite SBNO ride. I also hope they spend a bit of money on the presentation
Do we know what the problem is with River Caves? Did I read something about a leaky trough or is my mind playing tricks on me?
Do we know what the problem is with River Caves? Did I read something about a leaky trough or is my mind playing tricks on me?
Yes, a leak apparently. Don’t really understand why it is so difficult or has taken by so long to fix
A leak allegedly...built on sand you see.
More a case of can't be arsed...like my old favourite the dodgems.
Not opened all year, no reason, no excuses, just closed, all year.
Another bit of post beer fun gone, being rude to the dodgems staff from the train.
A leak allegedly...built on sand you see.
More a case of can't be arsed...like my old favourite the dodgems.
Not opened all year, no reason, no excuses, just closed, all year.
Another bit of post beer fun gone, being rude to the dodgems staff from the train.
Dodgems closed mid season but your right it's nor mentioned on the website maintenance page or board at entrance. So that's 4 rides down this season, not counting the weekday closures of other rides
No idea where the Dodgems cars went but they're not where they belong and haven't been for a while now. The little cabin for the operator has been sealed shut. River Caves no longer has its drive wheels, those were removed in the last month or two. Steeple has been closing at least an hour early on my recent visits. All looks a bit bleak at the moment

A few updates I don't think have been posted yet -

A tall fence has been erected at the exit of PB Express, to stop you from seeing the Rugrats ride. I had, perhaps naively, assumed they'd paint it at some point, but they've gone for the Alton Towers theme and left the timber bare. The platform announcements on PB Express have been changed, and now include an instruction not to cross the track. Slight correction to a post I made a few weeks ago, I said they'd painted some of the animals - I have been informed some are actually newly made

The toilets by River Caves/bowl-a-drome have been removed now/made out of use.

A few sources have told me the park intend to remove the concrete helix structures from Grand Prix over the winter. There's no further scaffolding on that since my last post

On the other hand, Ice Blast now has scaffolding up nearly the entire tower, there's only about 8ft left before the whole thing will be covered

No updates on Grand National, the trains aren't on the circuit at the moment

Might be wrong on this, think the Alice shop has closed. It had price reduction banners in the window for a while, and now doesn't appear to open
Slight correction to a post I made a few weeks ago, I said they'd painted some of the animals - I have been informed some are actually newly made.

Newly made or re-purpaced fron the river caves ?
Newly bought from Temu would've been my first thought!

I don't recognise anything there as being from River Caves (yet). These are quite possibly actually new

I am not 100% sure on this but I THINK the zebra in Eddie Stobart, alongside the path to Icon - suspect that's from the top of Magic Mountain

The dinosaur skeleton by Infusion on PB Express is from Southport's River Caves. There are three turtles in Icon/Steeple's ride area, which I suspect may be from Turtle chase
River Caves no longer has its drive wheels, those were removed in the last month or two. Steeple has been closing at least an hour early on my recent visits. All looks a bit bleak at the moment

Perhaps the River Caves drive wheels are replaced now and then anyway as part of winter maintenance, just like coaster wheels are.

Steeplechase has been closing at 4 on a 5pm close for a good few seasons now I think.

The most comical ride in terms of opening hours is Gallopers, it’s become common to see ‘Opens at 12, closes at 2’ which is rather farcical.

Ice Blast will reopen with a new gondola, but it sucks that they’ve lost River Caves and Dodgems for so long now.
Not officially, but near enough. ‘Reliable sources’ on the park. “Reopening with an add-on” I think were the words. Highly likely to mean a changed gondola I imagine

"Reliable Sources" ?? - You have lived long enough to know that the only reliable source when it comes to pleasure beach, is when you see it with your own eyes.

Until then, anything can happen (almost).

New gondola - possibly.
Reopened with no changes - possibly.
Removed and replaced with plant pots - possibly.
Still SBNO - possibly.
Relocated to the dodgems site - possibly.
Turned into a viewing tower with a bar at the top - possibly.
Removed to make way for a new RMC coaster station - NO
"Reliable Sources" ?? - You have lived long enough to know that the only reliable source when it comes to pleasure beach, is when you see it with your own eyes.

Until then, anything can happen (almost).

New gondola - possibly.
Reopened with no changes - possibly.
Removed and replaced with plant pots - possibly.
Still SBNO - possibly.
Relocated to the dodgems site - possibly.
Turned into a viewing tower with a bar at the top - possibly.
Removed to make way for a new RMC coaster station - NO
my question is will the new gondola (if this is what it is) be an upcharge, I would not be surprised :tearsofjoy:
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