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Blackpool Pleasure Beach: 2024 Discussion

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Isn’t the monorail track still there In sections to support utilities cables around the park.
I not been since 2010 but in 14 years only Icon has been installed that I want to ride but not for the price for entry, petrol from Birmingham and back, parking for the day and now not been able to take in outside food. You looking at nearly £200 for a day trip to Blackpool for 2. On the other hand I spend just over £100 on a day trip to Alton Towers on Sunday.
Parking round the back is free, keep your butties in the car!
Saved you fifty quid already.
Icon is worth the effort...once.
Always an exciting day, not knowing what will be open, and when...plus the stunning free matinee ice show with your ticket!
Free beer in Crevettes next year if you make it as well.
Noticed last week some of the ops had handheld scanners on certain rides. Are they a new thing? Certainly sped things up slightly.
It's been a few months now, and I think every ride has them these days -although they're not always in use. I suspect going forward they would need to be, with non-rider passes

I think it's a bit bizarre they haven't defined if things like PB Express are included (as it was previously). Also, a weird choice to announce this so long after the 'normal' season pass. Looks once again a bit of a last minute panic
They have "defined"...no rides at all.
In the t&c's on the website.

Is impossible a ride ?
Is the maze a ride ?

This is typical Blackpool, throw something together in a rush with no preparation or marketing and no clue about specifics.

I doubt many will take up the £50 offer.

A non rider day ticket for a fiver would be much better, because non riders are far more likely to come for one day with a larger group than they are to want to come on several days.

If it doesn't have much take up then the park will probably conclude that non rider passes are not popular and scrap them for good.

A bit like the half hearted evening opening a few years ago when they did it on the quietest month on the quietest day with a stupid gate price and then concluded evening openings are not working.

Or the experiment with a midnight close in November!!

I hope they sell a few non rider passes so they keep them and extend the offering but if they dont have a non rider day ticket then i think it will be doomed to fail.
Is impossible a ride ?
Is the maze a ride ?

This is typical Blackpool, throw something together in a rush with no preparation or marketing and no clue about specifics.

I doubt many will take up the £50 offer.

A non rider day ticket for a fiver would be much better, because non riders are far more likely to come for one day with a larger group than they are to want to come on several days.

If it doesn't have much take up then the park will probably conclude that non rider passes are not popular and scrap them for good.

A bit like the half hearted evening opening a few years ago when they did it on the quietest month on the quietest day with a stupid gate price and then concluded evening openings are not working.

Or the experiment with a midnight close in November!!

I hope they sell a few non rider passes so they keep them and extend the offering but if they dont have a non rider day ticket then i think it will be doomed to fail.
From before, Impossible was a ride with a scanner but the maze hasn't got a scanner.

I don't think the park appear to have decided on upgrade tickets or the situation with the PB Express yet.

I'm thinking the day ticket may not be announced yet and could be part of the 2025 offering when they're released 🤔
Ah, the traumatic days of the A, B, C tickets - giving kids nightmares about which rides to choose for decades!
they would have to be giving infusion tickets away if they brought it back, can't imagine anyone is crazy enough to get a spinal readjustment and pay for it
Some of us are old enough to remember the good old 10p rides, and even "D" tickets...they didn't last more than a couple of years.
I have a few old b and c tickets in my wallett right now, no "A" tickets left, of course.
Some of us are old enough to remember the good old 10p rides, and even "D" tickets...they didn't last more than a couple of years.
I have a few old b and c tickets in my wallett right now, no "A" tickets left, of course.
What were D tickets for?

On the same topic does anyone have a pic of what each ride was for A B and C tickets. I remember Noahs Ark was a C and Big One was double A
What were D tickets for?

On the same topic does anyone have a pic of what each ride was for A B and C tickets. I remember Noahs Ark was a C and Big One was double A
I think the D was the express, possibly the maze or monorail/skyride (or were they free). Shame they got rid of the Fun House ("got rid of" depending on what you believe 😁) - probably a complete loss leader in the day, but now with an entry ticket quite profitable!

Can't see anyone paying £50 to walk around. You can get an annual pass to TP for £100?! And they have a KFC 😁 😁
Nothing on the Beach was free, apart from the loos.
I think the d ticket was originally just transport, so train, cableway one way, or monorail one way.
I think all the kids rides were a d ticket as well.

They made a fortune in the funhouse on weak orange squash at 10p a pint, and I drank gallons!

You could buy used ride tickets at a number of local pubs under the counter from ride staff.
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