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Blackpool Pleasure Beach: 2024 Discussion

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And I would still only pay 40p for the Chinese Puzzle Maze
I try to avoid the place...full of herbalists...that get caught.

The entry pass has doubled in price over five years (offer price), and there is less of an offering on it, no train or river caves (haha).

After having fun with Towers customer service over the skyride for a couple of years, it is time to chat to my lovely friends at the Beach, they promised restitution or replacement of my wife's entry pass from the beginnings of covid...2020...promised by no less than the lovely park entry manager, who they were purchased from, on park, at offer price, a couple of days after the offer ended...god bless him.
Six years I think it is to put a general financial claim in with a complaint previously raised...let's see if we can get her the deserved and paid for pass.
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I try to avoid the place...full of herbalists...that get caught.

The entry pass has doubled in price over five years (offer price), and there is less of an offering on it, no train or river caves (haha).

After having fun with Towers customer service over the skyride for a couple of years, it is time to chat to my lovely friends at the Beach, they promised restitution or replacement of my wife's entry pass from the beginnings of covid...2020...promised by no less than the lovely park entry manager, who they were purchased from, on park, at offer price, a couple of days after the offer ended...god bless him.
Six years I think it is to put a general financial claim in with a complaint previously raised...let's see if we can get her the deserved and paid for pass.
I wish you the best of luck.
Bear in mind though that legally any debt becomes statuet barred after 5 years so if they decide not to recompence you then legally you can't do anything
Well aware of all that.
Hasn't been five years yet though has it, thought it was six,and the complaint was made, and noted, at the time.
They agreed to give equal value, they didnt, they didn't get back to me as promised.
The old admissions manager was excellent, and he put the transactions through.
Not got next year's pass yet, so I will be going in person, with cash, at the right time.
But I will of course report back.
Well aware of all that.
Hasn't been five years yet though has it, and the complaint was made, and noted, at the time.
They agreed to give equal value, they didnt, they didn't get back to me as promised.
The old admissions manager was excellent, and he put the transactions through.
Not got next year's pass yet, so I will be going in person, with cash, at the right time.
But I will of course report back.

How much was the diamond pass ?
Think the offer price was £25, when the full one was 99.
Not sure though, will dig out old tax papers for statements if needed.
Can remember it all well because we were late, and the gaffer was kind.
Then he discussed the diamond pass replacements during heated covid.
6 years not 5 years but yeah
Statued barred debt is 6 years in England, 5 years in Scotland. It does not apply to tax, duty and related interest, or national insurance. If a court order has been applied for, and granted, statute barred debt also does not apply.

If the debtor acknowledges the debt, or pays towards the debt, it is not considered statute barred.

Whilst statute barred debt isn't allowed to be legally enforced, it will remain on a credit reference file. A debt being statute barred does not mean that it ceases to exist, it just means that you cannot use certain methods for recovery. You can continue to chase them, until the end of time.

Having said all of that, I don't really think @rob666 is going to have much of a problem with this one. The place practically pays him to visit, knowing that they'll reap some of the reward on his Crevettes tab.

I heard a rumour that Rob's additional spend at Blackpool (when his wife is pops along) funds Valhalla's running costs. Heard it from two sources. Must be true.
I would estimate my good lady spends about five times as much as me on park.
Mainly beer, also food, junk and the odd present.
Wonderful if it all happens though, an extra hour in the company of the ladies of Crevettes, and my wife, all at the same time.
Means we can meet up comfortably at Crevettes whenever, instead of me picking her up behind the sealife after shopping.
Extra hour at least every visit, and no clock watching.
About time they got the entry pass back, I'm pretty sure the day pass will follow.
Possibly, but you know, mandy.
As well as weeping for the Reel, I wish I could take my two great nephews in the old Funhouse.
Fantastic place for half a rainy day, it had a smell all of its own, a bit like a wet summer queueline for the Space Invader.
As well as weeping for the Reel, I wish I could take my two great nephews in the old Funhouse.
Fantastic place for half a rainy day, it had a smell all of its own, a bit like a wet summer queueline for the Space Invader.

Funhouse was the go to attraction. And with my dad limitting me to three rides then fun house was a no brainer. Log flume was another guaranteed ride choice.
Does anybody remember the old Gold Card scheme the park used to operate which allowed selected discounts?

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Funhouse was the go to attraction. And with my dad limitting me to three rides then fun house was a no brainer. Log flume was another guaranteed ride choice.
Ah, the Log Flume.... A perfect ride - right combination of length, drops, wetness (and what TP seem to have forgotten, making the seat/floor dry - YES I'm talking to you Storm Surge). Not sure the Fun House would be H&S compliant today....

Always got a book of tickets, but when it's done it's done. Before the days of Excel, we used to have to make that spreadsheet of rides in our heads 😁
When did season passes start? Did they have one when it was free entry and ride tickets? If so how did it work?
The non rider pass is essentially free money for PB which is baffling why it wasn't brought back sooner. Non riders will also spend in on site food and beverage so a win win for that park. How many will actually use it remains to be seen.
The non rider pass is essentially free money for PB which is baffling why it wasn't brought back sooner. Non riders will also spend in on site food and beverage so a win win for that park. How many will actually use it remains to be seen.

I suppose the park could argue that they think enough non riders are willing to stump up the full entry fee that it makes up for the loss of revenue from non rider day tickets.

It could be why they are currently only offering the non rider as a season pass. That certainly is free money for the park but my guess is the park also lose out by not having day tickets for non riders.
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