Ahh... so it's your opinion on the rides? I thought you actually believed then to be dangerous or something.
Opinions are a great thing. Nash is my favorite coaster in the country when it runs well. I do feel it can get a bit rattly at times and get that the ride may not be suitable for softies

. The double-down is, in my opinion, the best element on any woodie in the country.
I don't like Steeplechase and feel that plot of land could be used for something much better. This being said, it is actually popular with many people
Dipper is good for what it is. It's a family woodie - not overly smooth, but not rough either. I always enjoy it for what it is.
I have no understanding at what about Nick Streak you feel is so bad? It's a fun, relatively smooth woodie with more air time than almost any other coaster int he country.
Avalanche is what it is. What about it do you think needs money spending on? Because it is a bob-coaster it's not like it could be re-tracked.
Personal opinions are wonderful things. You think BPL's woodies need [and I quote] "condemned". Nash is my favorite coaster in the UK, and all BPL's woodies rate higher in my view than Tower's woodie. And I am far from alone in that opinion. I also feel that BPL do pretty well looking after their coasters [arguably they do more than the large corporate park near Stoke-on-Trent)
I trust we do, however, agree that if any coaster is top of the list to be condemned... it has to be Rita.