The stair case is the problem. On busy days the Coaster had the queue diverted up the steps and onto the overpass. Now the steps are gone so BPB have a problem.
Personally, I'd look into the possibility of shifting the Bus Tour over near the Blue Flyer exit. (I believe some under used coin operated cars are in this area which would be removed easily) and reconfigure the station maybe making use of the space where the bus is now to give the ride a proper entrance or at least a better queue. The issue of SP would be removed with them filteringinto the queue at some point, why they don't do that now on the last section before the turnstile remains a mystery to me. It works on the Dipper. I'm also not convinced that you can't have ungated people on the edge of the platform, I think that is something they have come up with themselves, for two reasons: Revolution, which returns way faster than the woodies trundle down from the back of the station, and more so, the London Underground (and indeed any other train system) sees much faster arrivals without gates.
Whatever, it's doable, if they want to do it.
Rob, I'm up for a good know that. Let's see if they have what it takes to publicly run 2 though