Hey, so I went to Blackpool Pleasure Beach for the first time yesterday and I don’t have a full trip report but I just wanted to share a few random thoughts!
• The park is actually a lot more pleasant to walk around than I had anticipated. Obviously there’s areas that look like they’re in need of a little TLC, but on the whole it looks clean and well cared for. And the park has a good atmosphere and operations seemed generally efficient, especially on Icon.
• Big One is a lot smaller in real life than it is in pictures. This kinda took me by surprise, but it really isn’t that big! As far as ride experience is concerned, the first drop is amazing, but the rest is a little bit uninteresting. It is a good ride though, and worth is just for the views from the top.
• Grand National isn’t all that rough. Yeah, that really did surprise me. It’s a genuinely fun ride! Okay, it’s a bit clunky, but that literally is part of the fun and I feel if you were to remove that aspect then the ride wouldn’t be half as fun as it. Preferred the right hand side over the left personally.
• Infusion really is as bad as everyone says it is. I was seriously taken aback by how painful it actually is. I was expecting it to be bad, and as the train descended the first drop it was actually kinda okay. And then the head banging kicked in. Definitely not an experience I will be wanting to repeat in a hurry!
• Icon. What can I say, and where do I begin? Well, after hearing so many conflicting opinions about the ride, I didn’t really have any expectations going in. And yet, I still ended up being somewhat underwhelmed by it. There are a good few moments for sure, but it’s slow, the way it meanders ‘round the track between each one. I wanted to say that it’s elegant, but in reality it just feels a bit weak. Maybe it’s an acquired taste? I made sure to get another ride on it at the and of the day – and even managed to get back row too – and it didn’t feel that much different sadly. I hope it grows on me, I really wanted to like it more than I did.
• The queues were pretty much non existent. Not sure wether that was just because we were visiting on a weekday though. I think the longest we waited for anything was around 20 mins for Infusion. Icon was probably around 15 mins. Big One, Big Dipper, Avalanche and Grand National all around 10 mins. Revolution was pretty much walk on.
Overall Blackpool Pleasure Beach far exceeded any expectations I had of the place beforehand, would definitely visit again. So many things to experience and we only really managed a few because we arrived so late in the day. I’ll finish with our ride count for the day:
2x Grand National
2x Icon
1x Big Dipper
1x Avalanche
1x Revolution
1x Infusion
1x Big One
1x Flying Machines
I’ve probably forgotten something, so I might have to add it in later