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Canada's Wonderland: General Discussion

The layout for this looks really cool!

Had my first trip to wonderland a few weeks ago and its a great park but only has 5/6 coasters that you would class as a highlight coaster.

Wonderland is very different to what we have in the uk, theres no themed music or any theming. Wonder if that might change with this new coaster?
What an intriguing ride; I was not expecting this at all!

The layout looks awesome, with some great-looking inversions and a few nice airtime moments in there! I think launching out of the mountain could be really cool; it almost looks like a modern-day resurrection of Volcano from Kings Dominion, in a sense (albeit not inverted, of course)!

I am curious, however, as to why they went with Premier Rides for this over someone like Mack, Intamin, Vekoma or even Gerstlauer. I honestly thought Premier had bowed out of building big, bespoke multi-launch coasters years ago in favour of primarily building Sky Rocket-type rides, so I’m very surprised to see them do something this substantial!
I wouldn't say Premier have dialed down on scale. They installed EpiQ Coaster in Doha a few years ago and that's certainly quite of note, albeit indoors. The same with West Coast Racers at SFMM - a bespoke multi-launch.

I would have thought they remain a solid competitor to the others in terms of budget, and manufacturing shipping costs will be cheaper given their US base.
Also they have to take into account delivery time scales- many ride manufactures can be booked up for a number of years in advance such as Mack and depends how long a park has the ride in planning and when they want to open it, as such a park may choose a different manufacturer if can be delivered in the timescale the park want
I really like the variety in the inversions of AlpenFury, and the pacing seems to be adequate.
Premier aren't the company id personally trust with this kind of investment though. They don't really have a great track record with major coasters like others do and their trains can be very uncomfortable. I imagine price had a lot to do with them going with them but I think sometimes it pays to go with more quality.

It's a very interesting project though and It's a park I have never visited and would definitely like to at some point. Direct flight from Manchester to Toronto in 7hrs so very easy as well.