Dave said:
Seems this is now just turning into the old rivalry debate between fans of each park.
I resent this comment a little.
I'm not a fanboy of any park, and if I lean towards any, it would be Tower's being my most visited, and most local park.
I am also getting irritated by people forgetting that Alton charge extortionate amounts of money to even enter these mazes, some that will have more than made up for the investment they initially made.
Sanctuary was an investment, not some kind of benevolent gesture, and served also as marketing, very successfully I'd imagine for their new ride.
When you put them all head to head, sensible budget estimates against each other, for me I have to say Chessie do a better job.
You know why I became more of a fan of the park, even though it is 3 times as far away as Alton? Because it had a far better atmosphere, creativity, over all feeling of effort.
I also think that saying Alton's mazes got great reviews, well, that's using poetic license, whilst Thorpe seems to have been universally panned this year, Alton has also been given a lot of stick - but short of the opening hours nonsense (and it is nonsense, ludicrous decision), Chessie has pretty much once again been universally applauded.
I have no vested "fanboy" interest in Chessington at all (in fact, I was surprised how much I liked it, I expected to be bored by the place), AT is my "home" Merlin park - it annoys me quite frankly that Chessie does do a better job.
But.... and here's the kicker folks, it does.