In theory having screens telling people the queue lengths is a big step forward. We know from Trip Advisor that the biggest source of complaints are the queues. Some people use the app to check waiting time, including enthusiasts who aren’t at the park, but not everyone uses the app. One of the key things guests want to know is how long the different waits are, and since Merlin don’t have staff members at the entrance to rides anymore, or not regularly, these screens do the job. At the moment they look messy. I really hope that isn’t the final look. I presume it isn’t. My expectations of Merlin aren’t quite that low yet.
Another issue is that they’re only helpful if the advertised queue times are fairly accurate. I haven’t been to Chessington for a few years, but their posted waiting times used to be fairly inaccurate. Having a screen saying 10 minutes when it’s 30 minutes is worse than not having the screen at all. The sort of decisions people are trying to make are, “Have I got time for ride X before show Y is on?”.
Given how many people say that queuing’s a nightmare at Chessington, it’s good to see them trying to do something about it. Hopefully it’s been given a big enough budget to make a real difference.