What the HELL have they done with that Burger Kitchen 'refurbishment'?! The outside looks like a goofy joke that adds nothing architecturally to the area. We had a European castle which both added some variety to the architectural style in the area and acted as a perfect visual balance in the design of the street, but now we have a tacky, faux wacky, 'spooky' cottage sort of thing going on that is not only cliched and bland, but destroys the visual balance.
Just awful. And yet it was changed for what appears to be no reason at all! Yes the old facade started to look worn, but you don't just destroy things and dramatically change them, you restore them.
I'm sick of the contempt Merlin has for it's own parks. Just because traditionally Theme Parks are seen as low culture, doesn't mean that it's true at all. The level of design and expertise in all fields that it took to produce Chessington should in it's own right warrant a degree of respect and care for maintaining the experience.
Theme parks should treated as the high-art experiences that they are. When I go to the Tate Modern, I don't see that they've just been careless and let some paintings rot away, until they need to be completely replaced, and when replaced they just put in place a low-quality cheap solution that bears little resemblance to the original piece.
I'm sick of it, and the longer this continues, the sooner I just want Merlin the hell out! They are a parasitic capitalist drain on the quality of the art that I loved so much growing up. Recently I just cannot help but feel that I want to quit my interest in UK Theme parks altogether. There's too much heart-break at the hand of Scrooges who do not appreciate the importance of what they hold in their grasp.
Just awful. And yet it was changed for what appears to be no reason at all! Yes the old facade started to look worn, but you don't just destroy things and dramatically change them, you restore them.
I'm sick of the contempt Merlin has for it's own parks. Just because traditionally Theme Parks are seen as low culture, doesn't mean that it's true at all. The level of design and expertise in all fields that it took to produce Chessington should in it's own right warrant a degree of respect and care for maintaining the experience.
Theme parks should treated as the high-art experiences that they are. When I go to the Tate Modern, I don't see that they've just been careless and let some paintings rot away, until they need to be completely replaced, and when replaced they just put in place a low-quality cheap solution that bears little resemblance to the original piece.
I'm sick of it, and the longer this continues, the sooner I just want Merlin the hell out! They are a parasitic capitalist drain on the quality of the art that I loved so much growing up. Recently I just cannot help but feel that I want to quit my interest in UK Theme parks altogether. There's too much heart-break at the hand of Scrooges who do not appreciate the importance of what they hold in their grasp.