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Chessington World of Adventures Resort

The more I see of this ride the less I feel I can critise. It's true the capacity won't be great. Although I don't think it'll actually be quite as bad as we first feared. The transitions are snappy and it doesn't waste time with a slow lift hill. Chessington as a park also has a fairly low capacity, so based on the daily guest cap I'm not expecting any worse queues than something like The Smiler gets at Alton.

And if we look past capacity I really can't fault the ride. It's fast, has interesting elements, really unique compared to other family offerings and has that B&M quality.
From off ride It's also an incredible spectacle. It's going to be amazing stood in that area with those wide winged trains surrounding you. And it's a proper area; Main ride, 2 support rides and F&B facilities. With some good themeing thrown in as well.

When you compare this to Zufari and previous large investments it really is a massive step up.

I’m not yet convinced that the elements are interesting as the helix looks dull and it has a standard wing rider roll. I am however curious about the little wobble it does after the roll as that could go either way.

The more you look at the other B&M purchases Merlin have made I’m less baffled by the choice but I suspect they could have got more for their money with another option. Throughput will be dire and Chessie really needs a queue eater when two of its existing coasters don’t even manage 300 people an hour!

The theming looks ok (similar in quality to Wickerman with one big theming element which Merlin seem to like), that said it will take time for the planting to grow and fill the area.
One thing I think we can all praise is the theming of World of Jumanji. It looks like it will probably be the second best themed area in the park in my opinion, of course behind Wild Asia.
One thing I think we can all praise is the theming of World of Jumanji. It looks like it will probably be the second best themed area in the park in my opinion, of course behind Wild Asia.

To be fair second best against one decent area isn't great

It's an improvement.....and I think will get better with time but its not amazing
I tolerated watching one of the videos from the site visit (hate these videos, give me pictures or un-narrated videos), actually think the theming might be better than average, looks like there is a lot of rock theming to be added and the bazaar street could be really cool.

Obviously we need to see the finished product but could be good.
I tolerated watching one of the videos from the site visit (hate these videos, give me pictures or un-narrated videos), actually think the theming might be better than average, looks like there is a lot of rock theming to be added and the bazaar street could be really cool.

Obviously we need to see the finished product but could be good.
Here's a compilation of testing footage from TPWW, with no talking. Just pure B&M goodness. 🙂

From: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZ7GPimR5yw
Normally I'm pictures over videos too, but being a site tour there's details explained that pictures alone wouldn't cover. And there's watching it test.

I’m not yet convinced that the elements are interesting as the helix looks dull and it has a standard wing rider roll. I am however curious about the little wobble it does after the roll as that could go either way.

The more you look at the other B&M purchases Merlin have made I’m less baffled by the choice but I suspect they could have got more for their money with another option. Throughput will be dire and Chessie really needs a queue eater when two of its existing coasters don’t even manage 300 people an hour!

The theming looks ok (similar in quality to Wickerman with one big theming element which Merlin seem to like), that said it will take time for the planting to grow and fill the area.

I agree the helix could be odd. But I think the roll will be good given its location over the main entrance portal. And both times you enter it are following a launch. Riding at the back on the tight inverted spike looks a lot of fun.
But then I also like the more graceful elements of wingriders so maybe that's just a personal choice.
In some ways it too early to judge, with 2.5 months still to go. But then again, what were people expecting, "My name's Doctor Who. I've just ridden it, and here's my thoughts..." The nature of a topic like this is that people are going to be giving their opinions based on what we know at the moment.
My thoughts when I read almost every single post in this thread.
I do wish you'd end the diatribe on this .

I agree in part, but the coaster is hardly going to contort into new shapes and configurations before it opens

Theming and presentation, obviously, are still being developed.

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I am a bit perplexed by all the newspaper and other marketing that's going on for the land at the moment.

The mirror etc articles don't sell the land at all to me as a punter with fresh eyes.

I think they have struck way to early if they want the hype for May. Yes I know they open prior to that but Easter holidays never have been an issue to draw in the crowd's after the closed season.

I have a feeling that its either a strategy to tire the audience so it's well known but people's interest will have peaked so less storm the gates come May so popularity spreads over the whole season or they are hoping guests believe it's open in April so they get revisits. Or maybe they are shooting themselves in the foot. I just feel that February press coverage of a incomplete land and attractions is way to early
I tolerated watching one of the videos from the site visit (hate these videos, give me pictures or un-narrated videos), actually think the theming might be better than average, looks like there is a lot of rock theming to be added and the bazaar street could be really cool.

Obviously we need to see the finished product but could be good.
Don't do it

I haven't watched the videos yo be fair only seen the photos.

May have to cave in.
It's such a strange area. Cheap crap flat rides next to a very expensive coaster. A bit like Thorpe, Vekoma should have been the people to call for ride hardware for good value that's very good.

And before people say I don't criticise other places: Europa Park is missing good thrill flat rides as well, along with Towers etc.
It’s a discussion forum, if you can’t discuss things without direct exposure to it then the discussion dries up very quickly.
It is a discussion forum ... but if there is nothing to discuss because it's not yet happened that's ok too, right ? Instead we just keep lapping around "It looks terrible" posts. I am almost certainly in the minority - there's seemingly a market for slagging off a family coaster that doesn't open for another two months, so I will just grin and bear it.

To each their own, it's just hard to escape when its bundled into the same thread as everything else Chessington.

I do wish you'd end the diatribe on this .
I am begging for an end to the diatribe !
It is a discussion forum ... but if there is nothing to discuss because it's not yet happened that's ok too, right ? Instead we just keep lapping around "It looks terrible" posts. I am almost certainly in the minority - there's seemingly a market for slagging off a family coaster that doesn't open for another two months, so I will just grin and bear it.

To each their own, it's just hard to escape when its bundled into the same thread as everything else Chessington.

I am begging for an end to the diatribe !

The discussion peaks whenever there is an update so I don’t think it goes round and round.

It’s not like the Nemesis or Alton Manor topics that kept going over old ground when nothing new was being revealed, there is only really ever any discussion on this project whenever new video or pictures are released.
Think the negativity stems from the coaster choice being questionable.

Even for families. As mentioned, there's a big market out there but it feels like the choice has been made more for marketing purposes than fixing the park's main issues. Don't think anyone on here has been dismissive about this, more confused.

Regarding the area it looks good bar the inevitable scuff disaster that logo circle will become. Not seen much negativity over the area itself at all bar the quality of the support rides (at least they're not Zamperla!).

Think sometimes the negativity gets picked on more so because of random reasons. That it's a family coaster and area does not mean it cannot be criticised. There's a fine line between over-critical and over-praising though, otherwise we just get excited over some re-tarmaced entrance.
Think the negativity stems from the coaster choice being questionable.

Even for families. As mentioned, there's a big market out there but it feels like the choice has been made more for marketing purposes than fixing the park's main issues. Don't think anyone on here has been dismissive about this, more confused.

Regarding the area it looks good bar the inevitable scuff disaster that logo circle will become. Not seen much negativity over the area itself at all bar the quality of the support rides (at least they're not Zamperla!).

Think sometimes the negativity gets picked on more so because of random reasons. That it's a family coaster and area does not mean it cannot be criticised. There's a fine line between over-critical and over-praising though, otherwise we just get excited over some re-tarmaced entrance.

Zamperla are far better manufacturer than SBF. Zamperla used to be a bit of a joke but their build quality is really quite high now.
B&M were chosen for their reliability and ability to provide something unique and thrilling for a younger audience of thrill seekers, which I'm all for personally. In a park plagued with reliability issues, something reliable like this was greatly needed, and a first inversion and launch for children is a pretty good message to create a new generation of coaster enthusiasts. The area looks to be very well themed and immersive, with well thought out sightlines. What I am personally critical about though is the lack of transfer track on Mandrill Mayhem. This park needs a people eater, it's desperate for something high capacity to chew up the crowds since it really struggles to cope with demand. I have no doubt that the two flat rides, the outdoor maze/play area and other interactive elements like the map and games will help to absorb the crowds, but a headline coaster or E-Ticket attraction should be doing a lot of the heavy lifting, everything else is filler and helps absorb the area's capacity while providing some more variety. I dread to think what the queue times for the coaster will be.
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