Am I the only person that likes the name Amazu? When people heard of Wild Asia's name, you all thought it was pants, now they're thinking of imaginative names people are angry that it isn't a proper word.
Am I the only person that thinks you purposely want to abuse these park's decisions. Another thing, is this time last year you were all practically crying about the state that the park was in, now that they are spending a hell of a lot of money on it, you all get angry about the fact that your favourite rides are changing (Dragon Falls), and that works were done in the open season (Runaway Train) and even if they were done in the winter, it wouldn't have been the thorough job that they are doing this time.
It is like you will find a way, one way or another, to hate Merlin. I actually think that the only thing they haven't done to their best is Zufari, other than that, they really seem to try and create the best rides and theming, look at The Swarm for example, brilliant ride, brilliant theming. Same with Wild Asia, while it might not have the best name ever, it has a great selection of family and thrill rides, excellent atmosphere and decent music. Do we all have to be so negative? Am I honestly the only person that is pleased about this?