People are employed to design extensive movie sets, theatre sets and outdoor sculptures all the time, and Merlin's efforts in comparison are hardly revolutionary.
Theme park design is easy to come up with, and it's so fun. If you are employed to do it then in theory you have so much opportunity to create great memories for all your guests. So why have these opportunities been wasted on such banal attractions as "Africa" (huh? what?) and Zufari?
Chessington is (or certainly was) one of Britain's most original, charismatic theme parks and it should have been known all over Europe. It had England's best dark rides by far and set the precedent for other theme parks to follow. I remember it being so charming and exciting. It was and it could still be, had all the classic rides not been methodically ruined in the past decade.
>>Does anything from 2010+ even compare to The Vampire or Professor Burp's BubbleWorks from a whole two decades earlier, in terms of unashamed creativity alone? Not really.
Now Wild Asia is a good looking area which I enjoy, but mostly because they hired adept external set designers; which should be the standard process, forget Merlin Studios and their plastic mannequins, vans and shipping containers. Still, Beanoland had twice as much spontaneity and buzzing sense of fun in its early years - judging by your description of it being "crappy" you must have only known it in its grubby, unkept later years.
BenBowser said:
they really seem to try and create the best rides and theming, look at swarm for example, brilliant ride, brilliant theming.
Interesting you say that because I see The Swarm as a perfect example of how Merlin don't try to be the best, and often overlook obvious design flaws that make the final product something of a mess. People said The Swarm has great theming when it opened, but really all it has big props filling the gaps around the path that allude to a vague theme that nobody really gets - it's not actually that exciting or theatrical at all, just the very fact that it
is themed convinces Thorpe Park fans that it's great. Well good for you because a second-hand fire truck, ever-malfunctioning fire/water effects and a cringeworthy news report video couldn't have actually taken that much thought to produce and I'm struggling to enjoy it all that much.
BenBowser said:
Do we all have to be so negative? Am I honestly the only person that is pleased about this?
I'm very put off by negativity as well. I sometimes think people refuse to enjoy UK theme parks these days and always focus on the flaws. But recently I have realised just how poor Merlin's creative process often is - directed by boring people and restricted by marketing rules. They aren't the right people for Chessington and would never in a thousand years attempt anything actually surprising or inventive like Terror Tomb or Transylvania.
I still enjoy all the attractions they have built so far and like you am glad the Runaway Train problems are finally being sorted - but Chessington's track record for "retheming" is so appalling that people can't help but be apprehensive.