Obviously the youngsters on here are too young to remember what life was like back in my days and I can tell you that single use plastic was no where near as much as it is now.
I remember back in the 1970's/80's returning glass bottles to the shop/milkman in exchange for small change. Never really had plastic bottles back then, mainly glass.
Was never allowed to use ball point pens at school, had to be either pencil or fountain pen, I had both type of pens, the refillable ink (non cartridge type) and the cartage type.
All unwanted plastic shopping bags would get used as binbags to bag and throw our rubbish out.
Just think yourself lucky that you are too young to even have the pleasure of changing and washing Terry's Nappies, I can tell you that I've change and washed a few in my time.
Single use plastic/nappies/wipes etc.. is todays problem. Today we live in a throw away society. Everything now runs off electric and it it breaks, it is cheaper to replace than to repair it. Nothing is made to last now-a-days.
As a kid, I used to walk to school and most kids did back then unlike today where everyone now uses a car for the school run. My high school was a good 30min walk and I use to walk that to and from my school daily.
Another thing that we did back in the 1970's, we used to collect and save up tin foil milk bottle tops and other tin foil to give to the guide dog charity that would use the tin foil to fund guide dogs for the blind.
So before you dish my post, remember I was actually there back in the 1970's/80's and I have experience all the above as mentioned in my previous post first hand and I can tell you that it is the way life was back then. We couldn't afford to throw things away back then, we just mend and make do. Today generation are creating more waste, using more electricity and using cars to make journeys that can easily be walked.
Like I said, I was there back in the day, was you?