I don’t believe we can do anything because the entire planet is not acting as one. We can all pay our extra green levvies, switch to electric cars, blah blah blah but meanwhile the likes of USA, China, India are using more and more and more fossil fuels ( China is the main culprit why the oil price has gone up so much ), producing more and more waste - so we can do whatever we want, but it won’t make much difference when the largest countries in the planet don’t really give a hoot.
And most eco schemes end up creating another problem. Electric cars - precious minerals needed for the batteries, mining the oceans to get them, disposal of the batteries, and more importantly, the generation of the electricity. From the production and waste side of things, it’s no cleaner than a decent low emission petrol car.
Completely disagree. There are too many people on the planet all wanting the same resources, all producing waste, all needing food and water, all needing clothes and iPhones
and there is only a finite amount available.
And most eco schemes end up creating another problem. Electric cars - precious minerals needed for the batteries, mining the oceans to get them, disposal of the batteries, and more importantly, the generation of the electricity. From the production and waste side of things, it’s no cleaner than a decent low emission petrol car.
Overpopulation is not an issue, it's ineffective use of resources. The world's population has increased by several magnitudes since 1066, we were able to to meet population growth because innovation lead to the increased efficiency of resources and will continue to do so.
Completely disagree. There are too many people on the planet all wanting the same resources, all producing waste, all needing food and water, all needing clothes and iPhones

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