Oh no; hope you’re OK symptoms-wise @AstroDan.Second time: check.
I guess working with a bunch of unvaxxed kids increases the risk.
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20% of my class are currently isolating.Oh no; hope you’re OK symptoms-wise @AstroDan.
Thankfully, it appears that the government is beginning to vaccinate 5-11 year olds based on posts on Facebook from my local vaccination centre, so you should be more protected from COVID fairly soon (correct me if I’m wrong here, but I seem to remember you previously saying that you worked in a primary school)!
Out of interest, Dan, how is your school at the moment in terms of isolation and absence rates? Are you all coping OK with the current high rate of COVID in children?
Hope you feel better soon Dan20% of my class are currently isolating.
Ongoing nightmare.
I'm not bad thanks, Matt. Aches/runny nose/scratchy throat.
Classic Omicron.
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Good to hear your symptoms aren’t too bad; Omicron does thankfully seem to be a bit milder than earlier variants! Hope you get better before too long!20% of my class are currently isolating.
Ongoing nightmare.
I'm not bad thanks, Matt. Aches/runny nose/scratchy throat.
Classic Omicron.
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Ah, fair enough; that does sound difficult, and certainly not something you could pull off effectively! That would result in you either having to totally neglect your in-person class or neglect your online class…I am not doing live teaching over Teams. It is impossible to do that when you have 20+ kids in school (class). I would only do that if the vast majority of the class were at home.
The government may think teachers can walk on water and do that, the reality is quite different. Teaching is a high stress, physically demanding job - I can't sit and face a screen with 20od 9 year olds behind me.
Get better soon @AstroDan and yeah I can imagine teaching primary schools kids over teams is a right nightmare and required their parents assistance. It's quite different at secondary schools and college I would imagine (and with experience over the past couple of years)I am not doing live teaching over Teams. It is impossible to do that when you have 20+ kids in school (class). I would only do that if the vast majority of the class were at home.
The government may think teachers can walk on water and do that, the reality is quite different. Teaching is a high stress, physically demanding job - I can't sit and face a screen with 20od 9 year olds behind me.
Oh dear; hope you get better soon.I joined the COVID party on Tuesday. Believe it's my second time having it but first confirmed case. Feel pretty much fine though, bit of a runny nose and slightest of headaches.
Managed to avoid it in December despite being at some big mass gatherings in London, including a packed theatre, at the peak of the Omicron wave. Go up north for one night in Manchester in January and catch it. Always said the north is dirty.
Oh well, glad it is this way round and didn't ruin Christmas!
Oh no; hope you get better soon @BigT.I’ve finally got the two dreaded lines, been lucky up until now I guess with working in the food production industry, I’m one of the last to get it.
Feel a bit crap but just like a heavy cold really, my dilemma now is do I report the positive test or not?
What is gained out of reporting it? I’ve also heard of people been hassled a lot by Track And Trace once they report a positive test.
I thinking just sit it out until I’m blowing negative again then back to work.
More importantly than the government the scientists need to say as accurate a representation of the data as possible so they can analyse the pandemic and help us get out of it all.Oh no; hope you get better soon @BigT.
In terms of why you’d report LFTs; I think it’s to aid the government’s data collection to do with COVID. Every positive test equates to a case, so every logged case helps with the government’s data analytics that determine the restrictions, as well as helping to determine the trend of the disease.
Every positive test equates to a case, so every logged case helps with the government’s data analytics that determine the restrictions, as well as helping to determine the trend of the disease.
There's 1.4m people who work for the NHS. You can't have a workforce of that many people without having a considerable population of nutters.I find the staff in the NHS who are anti-vaxx incredible.
Had society not stepped up and taken the jabs, the hospitals they work in would have been completely swamped by now.
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