Tom said:There is no evidence that an active death penalty serves as any sort of deterrent, in fact it has the opposite effect in the United States. You only need to look at the amount of psychotic and bizarre killings that frequently take place there to see that.
I don't think you can make a statement like, how would you know one way or another.
There is no evidence either way unless you can prove me wrong.
Anyway as far as I know the UK still has the death penalty for certain crimes (Treason against the crown) unless it was abolished when signing the bloody human rights act.
My view is that pedophile's should be executed, but only after suffering for 10 years in jail, as they will always be a danger, show me a reformed pedophile and I'll show you a liar.
Public executions though maybe going a bit too far.
Meat Pie is right in some ways that poverty can lead to minor crime, but I don't think its as simple as that for serious crime.
Most of the serious crimes committed in this country are committed by people not in poverty.
If there was no poverty would there still be crime? I think there would be because some people are selfish and others just plain bad.