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Disneyland Paris: General Discussion

So for those of you who weren’t aware, Disneyland Paris turned 30 today.

As a special event, the park put together this excellent panel session with many of the iconic imagineers who worked on the park (both originally, and present day). It’s well worth a watch and great to hear the love imagineers have for the park.

Thanks to various friends of TowersStreet over recent weeks, we have been bombarded with numerous photographs from Disneyland Paris' shopping and dining district, Disney Village. We thought we'd comment upon, quite specifically, the absolute state of the signage in (Dis)ney Vi(l)lage...

Ney Vilage.png
Ney. VILAGE! *sneaks up behind someone and knees them in the back of their own knee*

There's plenty to do in Ney Vilage! You can shop til you drop at the Ld of Diney!
Ld of Diney.png

Feeling peckish? We've plenty of culinary delights for you to experience. First up? Steakhous!

Anet Hollywo is also a great location to tantilise those tastebuds.
Anet Hollywo.jpg

Fancying something a little different? Why not try out the Rarest E!
Rarest E.png

And, who could forget our fan favourite, Nald's!

Most aren't aware, but occasionally Nald's likes to dress up as its alter ego, McDo:

Thank you to those who have supplied photos (unknowingly) to our TS Ney Vilage travel guide. It is much appreciated.
Has the guy who changes the Neons gone long term sick or something? It's strange that so many are out at the same time. Smacks of a conscious cost saving initiative high up the chain to me. That or a specific supplier issue?
I’m assuming they were holding out for a refurbishment of the area which has been delayed due to covid?
Sure I read somewhere that changes are coming to the Disney Village.
Oh how I love a stroll through the neon roulette that is Disney Village.

How about a bite at the Inforest Cafe.


It’s a cafe. It’s in the forest. What more do you need to know? Shoutout to Earl of Anwi for its perfect performance on that night!

On one of my recent trips, though I failed to get a photo of it, we visited Wold of Disney. Sounds like a quintessential British village; Disney on the Wold.

Of course, it’s not just the neons that are prone to failure:


And yes, to clarify for anyone confused, many of these photos have been amassed over the years. But it’s not at all uncommon to see at least one broken sign on a trip to Disney Village! Hopefully the remodel will a bit of an upgrade to illuminated signage…
Oh how I love a stroll through the neon roulette that is Disney Village.

How about a bite at the Inforest Cafe.


It’s a cafe. It’s in the forest. What more do you need to know? Shoutout to Earl of Anwi for its perfect performance on that night!

On one of my recent trips, though I failed to get a photo of it, we visited Wold of Disney. Sounds like a quintessential British village; Disney on the Wold.

Of course, it’s not just the neons that are prone to failure:


And yes, to clarify for anyone confused, many of these photos have been amassed over the years. But it’s not at all uncommon to see at least one broken sign on a trip to Disney Village! Hopefully the remodel will a bit of an upgrade to illuminated signage…
Am I the only who feels these missing letter pictures are all going to be part of some new meme? It just seems to good not to do something with them.
Its a difficult one because it looks bad on Disney but for those guests to get there they must have climbed a fence with "Cast Members Only" signs and headed up onto a stage which is prepped with pyrotechnics and bubble machines for shows which happen at least four times a day so they are most certainly assholes.
Its a difficult one because it looks bad on Disney but for those guests to get there they must have climbed a fence with "Cast Members Only" signs and headed up onto a stage which is prepped with pyrotechnics and bubble machines for shows which happen at least four times a day so they are most certainly assholes.

I wouldn't go that far, yes they've clearly entered an area they shouldn't have but it's not every day you get a marriage proposal. Have to say running between them and grabbing the ring box was a d*ck move in my opinion, there were much better ways to handle the situation. I'd at least have let them have their moment first.
I wouldn't go that far, yes they've clearly entered an area they shouldn't have but it's not every day you get a marriage proposal. Have to say running between them and grabbing the ring box was a d*ck move in my opinion, there were much better ways to handle the situation. I'd at least have let them have their moment first.
It is literally every day, multiple times a day that people propose at DLP especially in front of the castle.