What is trying to be achieved here is a good thing, making the roads safer for everyone, which everyone agrees is good. Where we all have our differences is on how to achieve it. New rules need to ensure they do not add additional burden on the police, prevent young drivers from benefiting from passing their test, and increase the cost for drivers.
We are talking about young drivers, but is a new driver who passes their test at 17, any more dangerous than a new driver who passes their test at 45? They both lack experience on the road.
If lack of experience is what makes young drivers have the most accidents, why not let them start driving earlier so they get more experience? You could let 15 years olds get a provisional licence, and by the time they have turned 17, and get get a full license, they will already have two years of driving experience. This will give them enough time to get used to driving in the dark, rain, and other tricky conditions. With two years experience of driving, and hopefully no claims, it could also make the insurance premiums cheaper.
I do like the ban of no drinking before driving, but maybe this could be introduced in a similar way to the new tabaco ban, where it only applies to those who could never do it?
As for testing drivers, if the car has to go for an MOT every year, then I see no issue with testing drivers. Maybe as part of the license renewal, that could require a medical for the driver, and the license is not renewed without the accompanying medial letter.
I like the idea of the engine size limit, buts its not practical. If the car your family owns is greater than the limit, that means purchasing a new car just for your children. How do you apply it to Electrical Cars? I wonder if the solution for electrical cars is to have a learner mode, so instead of Sports mode, you can put the car in learner mode, and you get less acceleration when your press the throttle? Again, I would not make it enforceable because how would you enforce it, but by adding the option at least it is there to support new drivers.
I also wonder where we will be within ten years with autonomous driving, if that takes the risk out of driving, it could be a great way to make the roads safer for all.