Your clearly trying to provoke a reaction into an argument for no reason other than to fulfil your own needs. The laughing comment, if you must know was due to the fact you just won't let this go or respect other members opinions.
Not once have I disagreed with your opinion, yet you seem fit to be derogatory towards others? Why, because you cab used big statements like IPO and board room 'stuff' with likely minimal knowledge of how these actually work?
Having a masters degree in Business Management, being a chartered accountant and having sat on numerous boards in my career, I can 100% guarantee to you no company has failed solely due to a change of logo.
What you will likely find is a poor product has led to a rebrand as a last throw of the dice to reinvigorate the brand. This is clearly not what is happening here.
Now, I really have wasted enough of my life arguing here. I think it be sensible to draw a line under this debacle of a debate and move on to more interesting matters.
Anyone would think it is closed season.

Ah the typical
I'm an expert mantra , “ I have a degree and worked as an accountant therefore I always know more than you now shut your mouth peasant”
You’re a bloke presumably in your 30s , you’re better than that. Waving your degree around as a bragging exercise
… and please by all means go all the way and rip me apart. I am a bit masochistic sometimes so maybe you'll damage my ego and turn me on as a result,
The point is, experience might make you knowledgeable in some ways but it doesn’t give you a right to shut down debate . That’s exactly what you are doing and what you have done throughout this debate. So many people have pointed out the logo change and why it's a huge change in how we see Drayton: look at the logo difference and tell me how you wouldn't see Drayton in an entirely different light if you saw it on the road, or on a map.


It's not a small change. It's completely different and almost unrecognizable in difference. Now pretend you are a person who hasn't looked up rides and theme parks for much of your adult life and ask yourself,would you notice that logo as much, would it stick in your head as much, and does it look like the kind of place that takes itself seriously. Maybe it won't cost them big time, and maybe it's not going to affect them much because they might add some cool new rides, but it could definitely reduce their radar.
...And It’s not relevant at all but since you claim it is...I’m doing a Bsc in Economics at a Russell Group uni, so yeah I’m not at your postgrad level yet but just behind it, in a similar kind of field, but not sure if that counts as 'minimal knowledge' by your standards , who cares..... On the degree point, I’ve met small and medium business owners who know way more than people with “degrees” . I've held different jobs since 2017 some part time some full time alongside studying but I don't need to tell an anonymous person online what or where I work thanks.
My point was that companies floating on the stock market (since you said all companies and
not just Drayton or private) will be influenced by future expectations based on things like brand value or brand strength, hard to measure independently because of the number of factors at play, but you literally said said “no company ever failed due to rebranding” you never once defined what “fail” meant, and by saying 'all companies' you are including companies on the open market trading/isssuing liquid securities where numerous volatile factors come in to play. What's failure though? Calling the administrators? Low turnover? Large drop in stock price? Are you seriously suggesting that no public company has ever performed poorly on the stock market because investors are unconvinced by poor or misleading branding , especially if the rebrand liabilities form a big % of their revenue?. Or that speculators have never short sold a company’s stock based on the prediction of this happening following a rebrand ? That was my point, it's a factor that plays in to a company's performance on primary and secondary financial markets. You said it's never happened under your watch in the BR, but that's just an anecdote.
There are numerous historical cases of major rebranding being the instigator of stock price shocks , lower turnover, and changing the direction of company performance. Clearly you haven’t been paying attention to this. Even a basic google search yields results:
You have given me a good idea for an economics degree dissertation next year though. The affect of rebranding on company stock value, or consumer confidence. I will see if I can investigate this and we will see who is right.
I'm not going in to any more discussion here because its not fair on people talking about Drayton, if you want to 'rip me apart' start a topic on it somewhere else . Case closed
Have the water effects been turned off on the rapids again? I get the feeling that this will keep happening because without seat belts inevitably some people are going to stand up when water is directed at them.