I think if they had kept the original pre show video, vicar and the tombstone in the main vault and added the effects in there now it would be a world class uk dark ride.
Absolutely agree with you on that, though I do kinda like the original Chapel final a bit more than he current one, with the creepy build up of chiors and as the Vicar does his malicious laugh before the UK Ghostbusters rescued you. It had more steaks and is more dreadful when compared to the Nightclub version of what we have now with no feeling of horror or fear.
Never really liked the Coffin either in the Chapel, blocks the views quite a bit when sitting down in there.
I think that the Original ambience that plays throughout the entire ride is a step down when compared to the dreaded and pretty scary original basement Corridor music that used to play in the Basement, and an altered version in the Chapel when the riders are being positioned.
The best route for me is, like you said, Scrap Dr Ghostman, bring back Doctor X, give the ride Exteriors, both house and Lorry a complete clean, and get ride of the awful dark texture on the front of the house, it looks really out of place.
For the Preshow, get rid of them damn LEDs, repaint it back to a stale Grey, better background apparatus sfx in there, and more cheesey 90s style. Basically, just redo it back to what it originally looked like, but some new stuff added in there.
For the Basement Corridor, bring back the old ambience it had, and the flickering lights, but keep the current jumpscare, but with the old scream SFX, and slightly echoed to give it that creep factor.
Library now. TURN DOWN THE AMBIENCE in there, it's so loud that i can't hear the Host (me) on most cases I'm in there. Either turn it down drasticly, or have no music in there 50% of the time, while the other 50% has the music randomly come on and off. Bring Back The Vicar Head and preshow as it was. Done.
For the Chapel though, oh this is tricky. I really like the current Version of it, but I also really like the original version of it.
Okay, here's what I thought. Headstone is back, or something else but the Coffin. That has to go, just blocks your view quite a bit. Have it start as the original Did, but with a twist, just before it starts to swing, the lights and audio abruptly switch off, with a new audio of one of the UK Ghostbusters contacting you to remain calm and they're doing your best to get you out before its too late. The Vicar abruptly silent the communication with his laughter, and the lights come back on, now showing the Chapel swinging. As the chior starts to rise, the Chapel dims down, and uses the current UV lights, butbheavily dimmed down, and only showing the Gargoyles. The Headstone, or whatever replaced the Coffin, starts to move with the sound of movement coming from inside it. The UK Ghostbuster staff quickly warns all the Guests to brace for a Plasma Wave Distortion. The Headstones starts to move, slowly opening up, with a pair of inhuman claws grabbing the edges. The Plasma gun can be heard charging, the Vicar screams "No" out loud many times until a glass shattered sfx is heard and a strobe, supposedly the Plasma Wave beam shoots at the Headstone, with both the Vicar, and supposed almighty spirit of Evil screaming in agony. The Chapel cycle ends, with the Ghostbuster staff saying that they hope you never need to come here again.