But Shawn and CharlotteYeah I'm in there. Up to your imagination to figure out who I amLove the fact that almost everybody there is recognisable.
Wouldn’t surprise me. Considering they started to dig up the terrain surrounding the station well before the park closed is another indication it was going to be removed quickly. I overheard a staff member say the ride had been sold but I highly doubt that has any truth in it. Only time will tell I suppose.Have not been able to have a proper look due to work commitments, but I believe the crane is now on site as of yesterday. It was dark this morning on the way to work, but it did not appear I could see Apocalypse over the tree line. Could have been from because of the dark, but what I do know is crane hire is expensive and seeing as they were removing theming at 7:05PM on Sunday, just after the ride was closed, I would take a bet that the removal is now well under way.
They will want the crane in and out as quick as possible to reduce the expensive rental that these things cost.
From: https://twitter.com/DraytonManor/status/1587414156285825024?s=20&t=-Ra1pRR8km0p_vz8LbKR1w
Well according to this Tweet which was just sent out, the park are opening for selected dates in Nov. Seems like it will be a similar ride line-up to Drayton's Magical Christmas, with Vikings included this time.
I think its quality did vary wildly. I always found the pasta and pizza place in the pre-looping day was actually pretty good. Have to say when we went on Sunday the quality had dropped together with the choice. Price was much higher too.Drayton's food has always been crap.
Apparently there are rumours doing the rounds that Shockwave could be converted to a sit-down in the near future.
Just going around the internet.Rumours from who?
Got to be true then …Just going around the internet.