I must admit I don't think there is currently, that I can find. Although there are some allusions to a patent filed by B&M in 2020 for a stand-up model with variable height restrictions.Is there any stand up coasters with a non 1.4m height limit? Both of the ones I have done are 1.4 (Shockwave and Freestyle)
Has anyone actually got an alternative source that states that Shockwave is definitely becoming a sit-down coaster? I've watched the Sanbrooke interview with Victoria from Drayton Manor a few times now and she never actually comments, confirms, or denies, that Shockwave is going to be sit down. She says that new cars have been ordered and that the height limit will be lowered. It's Sanbrooke that states categorically, in a question, that it's going to be sit down and she just lets it hang there and seemingly avoids it.
All the other reports online, of Shockwave becoming sit-down, seem to rely solely on the TPWW video as their source for the sit-down rumour. Video below is time stamped to the Shockwave section so we can all remind ourselves and pick over it.
From: https://youtu.be/H-ZHUrM3Njo?si=8HkIHbaAgjopnhKQ&t=8m31s
I actually think she's more dodging the point, there's nothing really built on Sanbrooke's comment. She just reiterates new and improved changes, whilst continuing the legacy. It's typical of a PR response when you want to keep some things a bit secret and under-wraps. Also the end of Sanbrooke's question/statement actually refers to the comfort of the ride, and her response seems orientated around that.She clearly goes along with and builds on his narrative, suggesting it was confirmed in off camera pre-discussions. Interview could have been articulated slightly better to get her to actually say stand-up was going, but there is nothing to suggest it isn't.
It's been leaked from the park themselves, but no, there will potentially be nothing more concrete now until the trains are photographed. You will just have to wait and see if you have serious doubts.I actually think she's more dodging the point, there's nothing really built on Sanbrooke's comment. She just reiterates new and improved changes, whilst continuing the legacy. It's typical of a PR response when you want to keep some things a bit secret and under-wraps. Also the end of Sanbrooke's question/statement actually refers to the comfort of the ride, and her response seems orientated around that.
As I asked earlier though, does anyone else have another source or is this the only piece where someone mentions sit-down, but most notably not the park?
Accelerator would need a pretty major retheme and I'm not sure what they could do with it. I always assumed it would be included in the next area they do around pirate adventure buildingIf the 4d cinema is being rethemed to fit the new area then I would expect accelerator to be rethemed as well.
I vote for a steakhouse, it would suit the wild west themeIt makes sense for them do a themed restaurant for the area however I think we will see something happening to the area that the haunting exit goes through as there are construction walls and they have been doing things behind there on and off most the year.