Some better quality shots from said YouTube video.... good riddance to it, serving as a reminder of what once was. Now take the other turret down. I think this area is more than likely one of the next likely investment areas for the park. So not too bothered with something that would quite clearly be removed anyway, getting removed earlier.
It does highlight the shoddy state it must be in now however. It is about time they ripped the whole thing down. As much as I loved the ride, keeping it in this state makes as much sense a blind man trying to point out his favorite nudey lady videos to you.
I bet the wooden frame inside the second turret is rotten to the core too. I am fairly certain looking at the photos, that it would have been wood and not metal. A bit of a bit of wind and all this comes crashing down, they need to count themselves lucky this did not happen in open season, we get some ferocious storms in summer too.
It is crazy to think that the brickwork seen above, has not see the light of day since 1989 though!! I was running around in nappy's.
I would be very surprised if this doesn't signal the imminent removal of the other side of the entrance turrets, it has to be in a similar state as this one was.
I wonder what they may do from a temporary presentation perspective, as it does not exactly look great currently with the brick exposed, in one of the most central park areas. Maybe some temporary painted timber to cover the brick work? The carpenter's are on site right now after all working on the new area buildings.
In what is set to be perhaps one of the biggest years in Drayton Manor's history perhaps? I doubt they will want something looking so 'unfinished' where it is.