It's now been over a month since Dreamland re-opened! So, how has it been going?
Opening day
Rewind back to June 19th and the park was received very positively from the media and the general public.
@Danny has summed up our experience there already, but I thought I would give my views anyway
Despite opening with the Scenic and a number of other rides closed, the atmosphere within the place will make it a day I won't forget. The enthusiasm from the staff is something I haven't experienced at a park before, and I was surprised by how much it influenced my day. This was spread across all sectors of the park, from the lady working on the Helter-Skelter getting a Mexican wave up and down the short queue we were waiting in, to another lady working on a food stall asking what I thought of the place and telling me how much she loved it already. As you explore the park you can easily see how much thought has gone into everything, and these tiny details really do make a significant difference. My personal favourites were the benches made out of recycled wood from the Scenic, the pennies pressed into the floor in the arcade and the flags they gave out to us
Happily holding my flag :')
The Helter-Skelter during the Opening Night Hullabaloo
Vintage (and very speedy) dodgems!
The dodgems had to be my favourite ride there so far. They have been beautifully restored, and it came as an unexpected surprise to find that they are actually very fast! The long ride we were given made it very enjoyable, it was also very amusing on our second ride when there were power issues - cue odd looks on everyone's faces when the cars repeatedly slowed down to then suddenly speed up again
I visited with an open mind and tried not to have my hopes too high given it was nowhere near finished, so it was really lovely to have my expectations surpassed having followed the project ever since the park closed 10 years ago. The place is full of charm, from the beautifully restored vintage rides and upcycled features, to the enthusiasm that is shared between the staff and visitors alike.
The main question we had when we left that evening was whether all this would continue, or if it was just the high spirits that would be commonplace at an opening day? I can only judge from what people are saying online, and when I next visit in just over a week's time
General updates
So a month has passed, and the park is continuing to change
- The park is now open daily from 10-6 Sundays to Thursdays, and 10-8 Fridays and Saturdays throughout the summer
- The Wall of Death show has now left, and has been replaced with the Dreamland High Divers for the summer in addition to Chaplin's Circus at an extra cost
- September will see the opening of the 1950's ballroom
In addition, a number of new rides have also been added:
- Starflyer Tower
- Speedway
- Austin Car Ride
- Barrel of Laughs Rotor
And so, this just leaves the Scenic...
Scenic Railway updates
Whilst no opening date has been given yet, it has been reported that the Scenic won't be opening until after the summer, according to
Kent Online. Whilst the trains have not been delivered yet, the ride has been testing with makeshift carriages for the time being, hopefully it won't be too long until we can see the new trains going around the track
I believe that now covers everything :') Interestingly the decision was made to close the park at 1pm today due to incoming bad weather, I guess that's health and safety for you