Double post, but everyone likes speculation do they not?
I have been thinking about the new 2019/20 coaster and where exactly it could go. The Looopings article states that it "will be located on the edge of the park, on a new piece of eight acres between Vogel Rok and the Python." So where is the piece of land? In my opinion there are 3 potential options but each have their constraints:
In terms of size of land both options 1 and 2 seem the most likely. However both of these are across a public road and outside of the current park boundary; it is not clear whether or not they have obtained additional land.
Here is a look at the road; the park is on the left and the land for option 1 would be on the right:
And here is a look at the land for option 2:
Option 3 is a decent sized piece of land inside of the park and a piece of land that I noticed for being rather empty when there last week. It looks perfect for development (I've no idea if they use it for events at the moment or not) however it does not come close to the 8 acres mentioned for this new coaster. I'm also not sure it fits the description of being on the edge of the park or between Python and Vogel Rok either.
Unless Looopings have got it completely wrong I cannot think where else this coaster might go. The land to the side of the path between Python and Vogel Rok (but still inside the current park boundary) is simply not large enough for a substantial coaster.
So will they expand across the road? I'd imagine if they were to do this they would construct a tunnel for access and it could form a new area of the park. Seems to be an expensive option though.
Interesting times ahead!