It makes me laugh when people criticise the EU for being undemocratic. The European Parliament is the only truly democratic part of the whole European system but when it comes to electing our MEPs, only a third or so of Brits voted in 2014. Even if elections were introduced for every position in the EU, from council to commission, the Union would still fail to be truly democratic because only a minority care that much about who has power in the EU.
But whose fault is this?
Look how many voted UKIP as a protest. We were supposed to have a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty.
There's one MEP per 1.2 million people, the Commission isn't elected and as far as I know can simply over rule the MEPs.
Where's the news coverage of the decisions being made? How are they accountable? How much say do YOU have, how easy can you get rid of them? Can you go and protest outside? Where's the media coverage of our MEPs, who they are etc?
People have become disenfranchised with power as a whole, or feel they don't make a difference - in whose interests exactly would you suggest that serves?
It isn't about having elections for every position.
It is about the elections ensuring that the very top table OF the EU is elected and their power is held accountable to the people.
It is a distant bureaucracy - and I've been lucky enough to find a friend who's been studying this for 12 years. They're a big campaigner in the LEAVE camp (the non-xenophobic etc one!).
Difference is, they don't talk about give power back to WESTMINSTER.
They want a stage further, and to take power down back into the hands of proper, local democracy.
I can't see how that's a bad thing in any way shape or form. It wont always yield the best results of course, no true democracy will, however, it WILL ensure it's more accountable and EASIER TO CHANGE.
Once every 5 years with the "elected" power in charge, to run roughshod over everyone and have carte blanche decision making, with no recourse, is just not right.
People need to wake the hell up.
Democracy was HARD FOUGHT FOR. It should not be taken for granted or treated with "meh".