I voted leave, mainly as I dont agree with the bureaucracy and cost of EU membership, and feel that in some ways it has held this country back. With regards migration, yes I had concerns, primarily that I agree that a points based system would favor this country. Yes migration may go up, but it may go up in areas in which the country has demand for, thus benefiting the country, and also migrants who can be assured they are coming to work here in an industry for which they are skilled.
However - what has disgusted me over the past two days has been not only the public display of racism directed to many EU nationals already living and working here, and who have done so for some time, but also the abusive comments from some remain supporters, who have felt that they are above everyone else.
I believe that to some extent, the language and attitude used by the remain camp towards the end of the campaign actually pushed some people to vote leave. While I agree that there are those in the leave camp who voted purely for protest, or with no knowledge of what they were voting for, there were some as well who took a interest in both sides of the argument, and made their mind up in an informed way.
The EU also has a part to play in this decision. Its inability to take on board criticism and its staunch "no" attitude to any member state looking to change something has caused people not just in the UK to question their countries membership of the organisation. The threats from the EU president did, if anything, push people towards leave as his attitude only reinforced the belief that the EU had too much power and influence over us. Indeed, the language used in the past 2 days against the UK has been strong to say the least. Only today the EU President told the UK thats its "divorce" would not be amicable, but it wasnt much of a love affair anyway. Nice to know the UK was so respected in Europe!
However, the attitude currently being shown by Germany has impressed me. Calm, composed, and sensible. Many worry about UK trade with the EU, but lets also not forget that the UK was one of if not the biggest marketplace for many EU countries. They also stand to lose a fortune if they do not also agree favorable trade deals with us. While the language being used by the EU may be strong, it too must also be careful not to bite off the hand that feeds it. Lets not also forget that the UK was the 2nd biggest contributor to the EU behind Germany.
I agree we now have an uncharted road ahead of us. I dont believe a 2nd referendum will happen, doing so would bring the whole concept of democracy into disrepute and probably cause more civil unrest in the country. At the moment people are angry, confused and worried. Everyone, including the EU needs to take a breather and let the dust settle for a moment and take a composed view of the road ahead.
We could focus purely on the negatives, but there are some possible positives too....while the £ has dropped in value, its been lower in the past, quite a few times, so this isnt new. A weaker £ makes our exports cheaper making people buy more of our goods. It also attracts more tourists into the country. House prices may fall which is needed in this country and well overdue so people can at last get on the housing ladder. Interest rates could do with rising slightly so those of us with savings and pensions can at least see some return on investments. At the time I bought my first house interest rates were around 5.4%, which we dealt with at the time, and which meant people with pensions got a decent return for retirement. As for the price of goods going up (imported goods) , we could view this too as a positive and may encourage us to buy more British products.
I respect everyone who voted leave or remain, democracy has spoken, the vote has been cast and thats that. We all have to now focus on rebuilding Britain, not petty name calling, finger pointing and definitely not racism or abuse based on a persons skin colour or country of origin. While I voted for sensible border controls, I certainally did not vote for this.