I always thought it was funny how nice sounding of a word abbatoir sounds like given what it actually is2: Abattoir
Well it's literally Western Eastern which makes sense with the ride's theme. Interestingly we get the word orientation and its derivatives from orient.Two words rather than one - Occidental Oriental, the words written in the sign on the framework of Vortex at Thorpe Park. Occidental is just a cool word. Don’t really give a stuff about its meaning.
Probably because it takes so long to say!Well it's literally Western Eastern which makes sense with the ride's theme. Interestingly we get the word orientation and its derivatives from orient.
In terms of my favourite words, I love German words that are absurdly long because they squash multiple words together
Wasserflascher (Water bottle - fun to say)
Naturwissenshaften (Science)
Geschwindegkeitsbegrenzung (Speed Limit - not something they have many of)
Another good word is abattoir, even if the stuff that goes on inside one is rather disgusting.
Abattoir Atlantis is a firm family favourite at Europa Park!I always thought it was funny how nice sounding of a word abbatoir sounds like given what it actually is