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Fireworks 2023 🎆

They released extra slots on Saturday just gone.
Ah I see 😩 do they ever release extra slots if existing bookings get cancelled by any chance?

EDIT: Update, managed to pre-book entry through a sponsored Facebook ad posted by the park (not sure how that works 🤣), but at the same time also somehow managed to buy a full priced ticket 😭, it’s not my night at all - most expensive fireworks ever
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Rain won't stop the fireworks, no. What you don't want is high winds, or moderate winds in the direction of the crowd. And on the assumption that drones are being used, they will not be able to go up in windy conditions (they are more wind sensitive than fireworks).

The show does normally have a B mode for if weather conditions are poor.
Wind doesn’t seem like it will be a huge issue in terms of speed but the direction may cause some issues as @Rob says. Wind speed forecasted on Saturday at the time of the fireworks are very low (6mph). However the Friday and Sunday are slightly higher at around 12-16mph. Which is similar to the day I went in a previous year and had no interruption to the show. Sunday certainly seems the most stable day for weather overall, which luckily is the day I will be visiting.
The people who have been setting up all have Jubilee Fireworks uniforms on, they do much bigger shows than AT so I expect that a bit of rain and wind won't hamper their design or plans. At least nowadays at most professional displays you don't have to worry about rocket sticks descending like torpedoes; at my local bonfire when I was younger we always had to watch for the yard-long sticks dropping from the sky..
Rain won't stop the fireworks, no. What you don't want is high winds, or moderate winds in the direction of the crowd. And on the assumption that drones are being used, they will not be able to go up in windy conditions (they are more wind sensitive than fireworks).

The show does normally have a B mode for if weather conditions are poor.
Plan B? Handing out sparklers?
The people who have been setting up all have Jubilee Fireworks uniforms on, they do much bigger shows than AT so I expect that a bit of rain and wind won't hamper their design or plans. At least nowadays at most professional displays you don't have to worry about rocket sticks descending like torpedoes; at my local bonfire when I was younger we always had to watch for the yard-long sticks dropping from the sky..
While I agree rain is unlikely to affect the display too much (we've seen some absolutely sopping fireworks days in the past!), wind absolutely can if it's of a certain strength and direction. I think it was one day in 2021 when a southerly wind was pretty strong meaning it was blowing directly from the firing area over toward the crowd. There were some test fireworks launched right near the display's start time to make sure things were within limits, and it was very close to not being!

As much as there's a lack of sticks dropping from the sky, there's still a lot of material that can drop down from the display. That can range from a mild annoyance of shell debris to stuff that's still alight - see the tree by old Goalstriker building in 2019 or the small fire on the Towers roof in 2012 for example of that happening.

Thankfully, it doesn't look like those pesky southerly winds will be a problem this weekend, just hope we get a few dry spells to avoid getting drenched. That'd be nice!
Happy fireworks all!

The weather has cleared up for today with only a small chance of rain. Well, that’s what’s forecasted anyway! Winds dropping off too.

See you there today if you’re there!
Does anyone know if they have covered the lawns this year like previous years? Their Facebook post indicates otherwise by advising people wear suitable footwear on the lawns.
I'll be a little gutted if drones were not part of it but from I've heard the fireworks are pretty much the best in class compared to fireworks across the UK. Better than NYE in London?
I'll be a little gutted if drones were not part of it but from I've heard the fireworks are pretty much the best in class compared to fireworks across the UK. Better than NYE in London?
The London Eye show is not intended to be watched in person, it is designed to fit a 16:9 aspect ratio centred on the wheel. It’s essentially TV propaganda. I went there once, and never again.