TS Team
That looks excellent! Perfectly cooked duck as well.
The stark contrast in price vs quality needs addressing urgently.
I think I’ve already posted this picture before, but I paid £13 for this abomination at fireworks last year from BK in Mutiny Bay. Probably £1.50 worth of ingredients at best, no doubt much less.
I had a large XL bacon cheese burger meal today at Thorpe Burger King and that was only £11.99, compared to your burger above.
It sounds like so far the places that Aramark have opened new from scratch have been decent, like the Gloomy Wood treats, FV chicken, turkey legs in World of Jumanji etc, but the places they’ve inherited are just garbage like Burger Kitchen, Just Chicken etc… would it be fair to say maybe they’re just working their way round incredibly slowly?
Not heard reviews for the new food places at Thorpe and Chessington for this year yet - the curry and bubble tea outlets, Fish and Chips etc but if they’re decent then maybe there’s some hope.
I think the new places at Thorpe aren’t Aramark as they are all kiosk type places, think they are ran by that Pineapple company Thorpe use.
Having been to chessie and Thorpe this weekend, all the prices have risen, the chessie fried chicken place is identical to towers with same basic menu and same expensive prices. Same with Thorpe pizza pasta which is £21 for adults too.