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Food & Beverage: The Aramark Era begins

Just looking through recent reviews of secret garden and Flambos jambo. Jezzzz if Alton read these reviews they should be ashamed. The majority of reviews are now 1 or 2 stars. Iā€™ve read a few which talk about food poisoning as well. RCR and Crooked Spoon fair a little bit better but not much.

So sad to see the decline of secret garden. Used to do lovely food years ago in nice surroundings.
Went to the new chicken place in forbidden valley and thatā€™s the best fast food Iā€™ve had at towers for a long time.

Presented nicely and very tasty. Shows they can do it if they want to.

Still pricey though.
There are so many qualifiers in this statement....
Visited Towers yesterday, my email ping pong with them about vegan options not going anywhere really but I was given the allergen book to check if the doughnuts were suitable which is an improvement on last time I was there. Sadly, they are not vegan - so I vote for Greggs taking over the F&B because they know how to make vegan doughnuts šŸ˜

For some reason, although the LLW Costa has 3 (count them, 3!) vegan muffin options, and Thorpe has massive slabs of vegan chocolate orange cake, Towers still has no vegan cake at all to go with my coconut latte. Sad times.
10 staff for 10 days to work in food vans.
This very much suggests to me that the x sector vans will be in use over the half term holiday and then shelved again until at least the next holidays (summer).
Theyā€™ll be taking card only as they have done for some time now, theyā€™ve just chucked in a bog standard job description on the advert.
Was very disappointed on Saturday that my burger and chips in woodcutters was served in a plastic basket. Though the wrapper in the basket had loads of classic logos on them, or they'd just found it in a store room after it was ordered a decade ago.
Was very disappointed on Saturday that my burger and chips in woodcutters was served in a plastic basket. Though the wrapper in the basket had loads of classic logos on them, or they'd just found it in a store room after it was ordered a decade ago.
How was the food compared to other places on park? I've never been to Woodcutters, but going again in Sept after quite a few years, and what with the costs and quality spiralling I'm thinking carefully about what to do re. food.
I used to like woodcutters but my last few visits have been awful. Service was awful, food had gone downhill and that was before Aramark took over!
Yeah, hit it by noon and you are usually fine...bog standard chain pub food, but for theme park standards, that means very good indeed.
But for the finest quality cheap healthy food, beer and eye candy, with rolling news on the telly, and sheltered balcony, with the very finest thoosie conversations, it has to be Crevettes of course.
Very healthy stuff, and fresh.
Always makes me smile when people talk of crap junk food in parks!
Mixed seafood salad anyone...individual items added at your request.
Beer glass waved at you from fifty yards away.
Hot water bottles provided on the balcony post Valhalla.
Come on Merlin, up your game.