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Forbidden Valley: Future Changes?

Not a bad shout that - great area for a coaster that
Always thought Oblivion could be themed to the area by it being also tied in. People who refuse the process literally dropped into oblivion never to be seen again. Tunnel the track from the hole back to the station so you literally just see people disappear ..

I digress. Back to FV
The Blade absolutely must stay. With it, the new flat, Sub-Terra and the two coasters, FV will be the only major, non-family focused area of the park that's truly complete.

Hopefully they do right with the rebrand of Galacticair and then go on to give X Sector a coherent refresh with new flats there. Would really love to see MB be rethemed into The Wickerman area, as a village with a dark secret. The Sea Life can be a little fishing wharf or something. It's surely about time too.
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