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Forum Quick Questions

Any possibility of adding "+1" as a reaction? There are quite a few posts where I want to echo the entire post, but "like" doesn't fully capture that. A "+1" makes it clear it's a recommendation someone else agrees with, but without having to make a new post, and avoiding the ambiguity of "like".

For example, this one: https://towersstreet.com/talk/threa...advice-and-questions.3541/page-49#post-471316
The problem with using reactions to agree with something is that while having a +1 makes it clear to you personally that you agree with the post, it might mean something completely different to others.

For example for me, “liking” a post is to thank that poster for a good contribution to discussion. Or I’ll use the laughing emoji to signal I found something funny. Then there’s a love reaction which I’ll use for something that I strongly agree with - and perhaps could be something that could be used instead of a +1 reaction? However for others, a like reaction is used just to signal that they’ve simply read the post.

We’ve looked into adding further reactions before, but after consideration we didn’t really feel it contributed to the forum as a place for discussion. Adding a dislike reaction for example could upset the poster, as they would be left wondering why the person that disliked the post didn’t like their views. It was felt it was a better to have a very limited number of reactions which covered the original intention of simply thanking the poster for their contribution, with the remainder left for people to write replies as part of the debate and conversation.
I think I know the answer but just to check, is there a general “news” thread?

Typically I’ll read threads about the parks I’m interested in, the threads I’ve already posted in or I’ll try the lightning bolt “what’s new” selection. I do feel like I sometimes miss out on announcements though so wondered if I was not aware of another thread or feature?
I think I know the answer but just to check, is there a general “news” thread?

Typically I’ll read threads about the parks I’m interested in, the threads I’ve already posted in or I’ll try the lightning bolt “what’s new” selection. I do feel like I sometimes miss out on announcements though so wondered if I was not aware of another thread or feature?
We don’t have a topic that aggregates all theme park news into one place. I’d highly recommend using something like Screamscape for that one as they do a great job of rounding things up. For park specific discussion, we have dedicated topics for larger parks, then for Alton Towers we have the general discussion topic.
The problem with using reactions to agree with something is that while having a +1 makes it clear to you personally that you agree with the post, it might mean something completely different to others.

All clear, thank you for the detailed reasoning behind it. I've posted about this before but in the sea of (gestures vaguely at the whole rest of the internet) it's wonderful to be at a small, relatively slow-paced forum like this where the team is putting this much thought and effort into making it a nice place to visit. Cheers!
Wasn't quite sure where to post this, so I thought this was the best bet...
Genuine suggestion/request, tongue only slightly in cheek, not saying what kind.
When posts get pulled, for being off topic/round in circles/bloody stupid etc...which a slight number of mine may have been, slightly...can we have the post actually quoted in the "deleted report" alert post please, so we can realise the error of our ways, and not repeat them every couple of days/hours.
Some of us are old enough to forget what we actually posted within minutes.
Please and thank you.
Saves on the whipping in the long run,

....What did I say???
Who did I offend???
When did that happen???
What had I had???
Wasn't quite sure where to post this, so I thought this was the best bet...
Genuine suggestion/request, tongue only slightly in cheek, not saying what kind.
When posts get pulled, for being off topic/round in circles/bloody stupid etc...which a slight number of mine may have been, slightly...can we have the post actually quoted in the "deleted report" alert post please, so we can realise the error of our ways, and not repeat them every couple of days/hours.
Some of us are old enough to forget what we actually posted within minutes.
Please and thank you.
Saves on the whipping in the long run,

....What did I say???
Who did I offend???
When did that happen???
What had I had???
We only have a one line text box to send you the notification unfortunately, and if we put the full post in there it strips all formatting out and just becomes one massive wall of text that really buggers up how your notifications look - especially when browsing on mobile.

We’ll try and put info in there if it was something say inappropriate with feedback that needs to be taken on board, or we’ll drop that person a PM. But to be honest for the majority of posts removed, it’s simply tidying the topic up to remove off topic discussion after we’ve already requested things to get back on topic. Since in this case we’re removing a number of posts at once, we only put one single reason for removal in (e.g that the posts off topic). Individually deleting each post and sending individual feedback would be a bit of a pain!

That said, we’ll try and be a little more descriptive if it’s an individual post in future :)
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I’ve just searched and found a locked thread re acronyms which pointed to a dead/deleted thread.

Was an acronym buster ever created? I think it may be needed, I’ve noticed quite a few posts where people are questioning them.

I’ve no idea how/where to put it, but think it would help increase understanding and prevent the “what’s that mean?” posts.
Corner Coffe for idle chat, tavern to cater for the potty mouthed cluckers.

My personal preference is for tla's...three letter acronyms.
I’ve just searched and found a locked thread re acronyms which pointed to a dead/deleted thread.

Was an acronym buster ever created? I think it may be needed, I’ve noticed quite a few posts where people are questioning them.

I’ve no idea how/where to put it, but think it would help increase understanding and prevent the “what’s that mean?” posts.
I think the link is broken, but this might be what you were looking for. :)

Thread 'Towers Street Abbreviations Thread'
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I think the link is broken, but this might be what you were looking for. :)

Thread 'Towers Street Abbreviations Thread'
Thanks but not really, I’ve had a quick scan of that but didn’t see a definite answer - do we have a searchable updateable acronym page somewhere or not? Was a decision made by the team it wasn’t needed?

I searched and it didn’t come up which seemed a bit odd, hence my question. If a decision was made it’s not needed that’s fine, I’ve not been here as long as others so don’t know the history.
Thanks but not really, I’ve had a quick scan of that but didn’t see a definite answer - do we have a searchable updateable acronym page somewhere or not? Was a decision made by the team it wasn’t needed?

I searched and it didn’t come up which seemed a bit odd, hence my question. If a decision was made it’s not needed that’s fine, I’ve not been here as long as others so don’t know the history.
I don't think there was ever any conscious decision made on this - we are a forum after all, anyone is free to create a thread on the subject themselves!

Having said that I do agree with you that it would be a good idea for newer members to become more familiar with some of the terminology.
I think almost every geekdom has it's own language that can intimidate new members. Try memorising all the fan-created names for all the parts of a Proton Pack sometime. (One part is called "the PPD". No idea what it stands for, but I know what it's called.)
.... I wonder.....
Would it be possible, in theory, to use the world filter to automatically turn abreviations in to a clickable link to the "translation" thread?
That sounds like witchcraft Diogo…
I’ll do the spreadsheet bit… someone else can be clever 😁

Seen this a couple of times recently. Not sure what's causing it?


Seen this a couple of times recently. Not sure what's causing it?

Tapatalk for iPhone breaks the BBCode in replies, by turning various elements into emoji.

Can we ban Tapatalk?
As mentioned this is Tapatalk being Tapatalk 🙄.

We have the web app now, so Tapatalk will be phased out at some point in the future. If you’re currently using it, we encouraged people at the last forum upgrade to move to the web app over Tapatalk.

In the interim, if you spot any of these posts, report them to flag them and we’ll edit them manually :)
Out of interest, why was Tapatalk a thing in the first place? I’ve been on here for over 7 years now, and I’ve always just used the website directly from my browser rather than resorting to any kind of app.

Because back when you had to put coal in your router to raise enough steam to be able to browse on your belt driven phone with a smaller screen, it helped display the forum nicer on mobile when websites weren't optimised for them.